
Saturday 26 May 2018

A trip to Birsay

The tourist season is in full swing now, which means lots of places get quite busy.  This is great for local accommodation providers and shops, restaurants etc.  But sometimes places become a little too crowded for me and I avoid them in Summer.  One such place is Birsay.  It's a favourite haunt of camper vans as "wild camping" (camping outside of a camp site) is allowed in Scotland. 

Anyway the other week I took a quick visit up to Birsay for a gentle walk along the lovely soft flat footpath by the shore.

Over on the tidal island, Brough of Birsay, are some really interesting archaeological remains, and you can walk up to the lighthouse and get wonderful views.  Around the island are lots of seabirds including puffins.  I didn't go there this time but I love looking at it.

Along the shore people have been having a go at stone structures, maybe echoing those found at Skara Brae

Further along the shore....

A waymarker for the newly completed St Magnus Way.  If you are visiting Orkney do take a look at the website and consider doing part of the walk!

Another look back at the tidal Brough.....

And then of course it was necessary to have lunch at the wonderful Birsay Bay Tea Room  Um no photos of cake, it disappeared too quickly. Hahah!  But lovely views across to the Brough.

And the tea room has some quirky features, like these lights!

And then, sailing home .....

Friday 25 May 2018

End of May

The weather has been lovely the last few days.  Warm, no wind, the odd shower of rain but nothing too bad.  Everything is greening up and growing with the longer days and the sun warming the earth.

Photo above looking across Sandside back back at my home and Hoy High light.

One of my old Light Sussex hens was enjoying the sun by the bluebells today.

So much so that she settled down to sunbathe by them!

Scarratain with a traditional grass roof

Looking over the Graemsay fields to Hoy.

And lots of primroses in every crevice and verge

The alliums are in flower in the garden now too.

I had some visitors this week and they brought me some lovely flowers.  These are nursery grown tulips but they are so gorgeous.

The walled garden is springing to life too.

And at the end of a lovely day, the sunset.  Sunset at the moment is after 10pm and it barely gets dark at night - it's called "simmer dim" here and in Shetland.

And a gratuitous photo of Button, having one of those days by her pose. Haha!

Monday 14 May 2018

Evening light

Beautiful sunset yesterday evening after a day of rain.....

Saturday 12 May 2018

Still here!

Due to life, too much work, low energy levels and a sneaky trip "south" I've been absent from blogging for a while.  Thanks to those who got in touch to ask if I was fine.  I am!  And I hope to get back to regular blogging too.  For now just a few pictures from the last couple of days where we have had some lovely warm Spring weather.  We are also getting our fair share of breezes and rain!  But I treasure the lovely warm days, like today.

Above, the Hamnavoe sailing into Stromness.  Below, the hens enjoying the sunshine.  The daffodils are still in bloom. Really late this year!

The daffs are just going over and the tulips are out!

I love the brightness of the sea, it is so vivid!

And the grass is such a fresh green after the first cut.  Lots coming up in the garden and lots to do! Over the wall, the Hamnavoe sailing OUT of Stromness this afternoon!

Meanwhile Madam Buttion is the only one with time to snooze on a garden bench! A little dusty as she has been rolling in the earth - the hens are not the only ones liking a dust bath!

And the sunsets have been glorious too.  The sun has well and truly moved round the horizon.

And after the sun has set..... this was 10.30 on Weds!

Hope you enjoy the photos and hope to be blogging more regularly soon!