
Tuesday 26 June 2018

Sunset near the solstice.....

Above photo was taken at 2am yesterday morning!  Sorry it's blurry - grubby lens. 

And here is a short timelapse of a sunset - short because the battery ran out. Doh!

Monday 25 June 2018

Summer days.....

Summer days in Orkney mean blue skies, warm temperatures, gales, rain, mist... just about anything really!  We are back to a more settled spell of weather at the moment, apparently.  So here are a few photos taken over the last week.

Above a yacht sailing in Hoy Sound, past Hoy High lighthouse. Nice day for a sail....

Madam Button finds the warmest spots in the garden.... always....

The hens have been laying well.  Though NOT in their proper nesting boxes. Typical!

Except for these two sisters who insist in squeezing into the SAME nest box at the SAME time to lay and egg... Sigh.....

The garden took a battering from the gales, the wind changed direction several times so managed to get most bits of the garden at some point.  This poor elder tree now has blackened leaves, and a lot of the perennials were damaged.  I'll chop the perennials back, give them a feed an hope for the best.

I'm leaving this ornamental grass for now.....

Though some of the borders and flowers have survived.

And even some fragile looking plants have survived where they were protected by others.

And my lone foxglove survived!!  So pleased about this!

Some lovely views from the garden of boats sailing past....

And an Oystercatcher was happy to have a rootle around the grass in front of the house after the rainfall.  Hopeful of worms I suppose.

There were some magnificent skies too......

And a gorgeous view from "up the road" at a neighbouring house.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Betty's Reading Room

One of my favourite places to visit on the Orkney Mainland is Betty's Reading Room. It's in Tingwall, near the ferry terminal to the island of Rousay. It was put together by two friends who wanted to create a tribute to their friend, Betty Pricter, after her death.  Betty was a much loved teacher and friend and I cannot think of a better tribute than this beautiful and atmospheric reading room.  Folk passing by can pop in and sit on one of the sofas, browse the books, take one away, or bring others in their place.  There's a fire on often in the winter to keep warm by.  Several TV programmes have used the location as have the Orkney Storytelling Festival.

I took Irene from Graemsay there for her first visit last week and she was as entranced as I was with the place when I first saw it some four years ago.  So here are a few pictures.

Betty in happier times.....

And the story how the reading room came about.....

In summer there are flowers on the fire....

A stained glass window made especially for the door, with light flooding through it.

Betty must have loved hares as they are all over the place.

Oil lamps for lighting....

And lanterns as well as books....

Did I mention books?

Erm.... more books

And a rocking chair and sofas to sit on while..... you look at more books!

And a memory of another lassie gone too soon?

And lots of lovely touches.... Teddies feature too....

As well as hares....

Another Ted....

Oooh a coo!

Trouser!  Lovely name for a dog!! (there is even a dog basket in the corner for your canine companion)

Looking back towards the hearth

And what a hearth!

And one of my favourite poems!!  Oh I so love a good book! Then I am sad when it is finished....

Meanwhile outside, where the sun was shining  and the air was warm...... something to help you forecast the weather. Heehee!

A glimpse of other old buildings and past lives....

And through the old doorway, to the present, with the wind turbines on Burgar Hill.

And facing the sea, a selkie woman?  Beautiful wood carving by Frances Pelly.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Betty's Reading Room, sorry we couldn't stay longer.

And then when I got home, my very own peedie (small) hare was waiting for me.  Made by a clever Crafty Lady, Krris Perry.  He has sparkly whiskers!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Sunset and mist....

A sunset from last week as the mist rolled in.  I love the big sky.

Just as the sun was setting.... the land across the water looks magical and ethereal. I bet they have unicorns.... and dragons.....

Friday 15 June 2018

Misty days (again)

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when we had several misty days between gorgeous warm sunny ones. I just love the ethereal sea mists, so sharing a few more pictures. (Click on the pictures to see larger versions).

The mist is descending on our community hall!

Hoy hills disappearing into the mist.

Looking across the sea to Mainland Orkney (Stromness)

And a panorama! Click to see a larger version - yes the land slopes!