
Sunday 25 November 2018


We've had a proper Autumn this year which is unusual.  We had a gale a few weeks back but otherwise the weather has been pretty benign with very little wind, and not too much rain.  There have also been some lovely skies.  Above the Autumn sun setting behind the Hoy hills, more of the same below.....

Softer hues now...

Sailing home from Stromness with a replacement Royal Mail van for our postman.

Some ewes and lambs were being delivered to the island too for a few weeks grazing. The wind got up just as we arrived at the pier so it was a bit choppy unloading them into the trailer.

Saturday 24 November 2018

RNLI Longhope Lifeboat - annual visit to Graemsay

Back in October (yes I know it's nearly the end of November, but, well, I've been busy!) the RNLI Longhope Lifeboat Ladies Guild visited the island for their annual sale of Christmas goodies, accompanied, of course, by the lifeboat crew. As you can see in the photo above it was a beautifully calm day, though chilly.

Approaching the Graemsay pier....

Coming alongside the pier...

The entire committee decided to come out to see us which was lovely!  And the lifeboat crew too of course.

And not forgetting Hector, their mascot Scotty dog.  His person, Angus Budge, was skipper of the lifeboat that day.

Island folk ferried the ladies and all their boxes up to the hall for them to set up.

I always call the crew "quiet heroes".  They are all volunteers and don't boast about the work they do.  Whenever they visit the island they sit quietly having some tea and cake, and chatting to island folk.

But ready to go out in all weathers to save lives.....

Island folk start arriving for the sale of cards and gifts, the raffle and tombola.  And have a cup of tea and a blether too.

I didn't get to take any more pictures as I was on tea duty!  Graemsay folk were a bit worried about how much we might raise as some folk were off the island that day.  But the total just blew us away. When you consider when everyone is here it is an island of just 23 folk we managed to raise over £350!!

Wednesday 14 November 2018

October beach....

I've borrowed a "bridge" camera from Mr Tense Towers.  A "bridge" camera, for those that are wondering, is a bit of a hybrid, it's "better" than a small compact camera, but not quite as versatile as a SLR camera.  Having said that, I had an SLR Olympus OM-10 back in the 1980s and got fed up lugging a camera bag full of lenses around.  So I like the lightness of a bridge camera, with some buttons to play with to take a range of photos, zooming and and macro.  Not as great as swapping lenses, but a much lighter camerabag!

Anyway, I was out on the shore a couple of weeks ago at the end of October and used the opportunity to take some snaps.  These are all on "authomatic" at the moment..... 

The old "Lighthouse pier" at Sandside

Looking over to Garson....

Coastal erosion.... year on year the sea claws back the land....

The old reaper/binder tettering on the edge!

Looking over to Stromness

Ahem, Madam Button!

Looking across Graemsay to Hoy

Button considering going paddling.....

The community hall in the foreground and the old school up the hill in the background.  The dark Hoy Hills as a backdrop....

The seaweend in a bank along the shore after a storm the week before

Neither Button nor I like walking on seaweed, too slippery - so we always head back once we reach the bank

Kye (cattle) up on the hill

AAAAGGGGHHH! Don't look down! Life on the edge with Button....

Rooftops...and a lighthouse....

And sunrise on the Hoy Hills  (about 07:53 in the morning)

And sunset... (about 15:57)

And the moon hiding behind a cloud (she's shy...)

Hope you enjoyed the wander around Sandside and environs!

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Halloween Party....

Yes I know, Halloween was weeks ago!  But had to share the effort made by the parents and kids as well as by Irene Mathieson who organises the games.  So.... Halloween 2018 Graemsay style

Above, the parade of the younger monsters, ghouls and vampires..... Below - Head Witch, Irene, asks for James to lend a hand...not quite what she meant!

Waiting for the games to begin...

Scooby Doo is hopeful of some scooby snacks!

Head witch Irene pops into the kitchen to check on the cauldron stirring...

Right, ready for the games to begin...

The eyeball race.... naturally...

Heat two!

Heat three!

The very popular donut eating competition!

A wee vampire needs a helping hand from - er - a ghoul....

No help needed here!! Joe wins in a nano second....!

Ah now onto the "Mummy game".....

The vampire needing a hand from Great Uncle Ghoul again!

All ghouls, ghosties and vampires gather round to do their party piece before they are let loose to scavange sweeties!

What the well dressed vampire is wearing this year, complete with pocket eye-ball....

So it was another fun filled ghoulish night on Graemsay!