
Sunday 29 March 2020

What a difference a week makes....

So the UK is now in lockdown.... only "essential" shops open eg supermarkets, grocery shops, pharmacies and all with restrictions on number of customers inside, and lots of "social distancing" signs abound.

Only out for one hour of exercise a day, only essential "key workers" to continue working (though some lack of clarity who that affects).

Food supplies are getting through and now that supermarkets are rationing items to two of anything per person there is more to go round.  There are also special shopping slots for NHS & care workers, and those in the "vulnerable" category.

I'm officially in the "shielding" group, which are those who are particularly vulnerable with compromised immune systems due to a variety of treatments or conditions, severe respiratory conditions etc. The advice is to stay indoors for at least 12 weeks - not even the daily walks etc.  However on Graemsay with a small population I am going out to the garden, and down to the shore when no one else is around.

Several households are in isolation as folk are over 70 or have medical conditions. 

But fear not!  Many local shops are providing deliveries and deliver to our ferry (which now only runs twice a day for "the duration").  A neighbour has volunteered to be the person to collect all the boxes and deliver them around the island.  Mine go into my island car which I treat as a "contaminated area". Shopping is washed as I bring it inside. 

I'm a solitary person anyway so am doing OK.  I'm working from home anyway so am busy Monday to Friday.  I can video call friends and keep in touch by phone as ever.  I miss my trips to the Orkney Mainland for tea and cake, or lunches with friends, but it's a small price to pay to stay safe!

Oh and the clocks went forward in the UK last night so we are on "British Summer Time" - though the weather hasn't been told, as we had hail showers earlier!  So now not only have I not got a clue what day of the week it is but no idea what the time is!

The weather has been changeable this week so I've not been outside much but here are a few photos taken over the week.

Stay safe everyone!!

The sun has now moved from behind the Hoy hills and is peeking out over Graemsay.  Spring is on the way!

And one day I woke up to blue sky! Sunrise today was 04.47 and sunset will be at 19.50...

Button had a play date the other day but declined!  This wee lamb was born in the byre at Sandside.  The farmer was sorting out separating those that had lambed etc and those that might need a bit of extra support - like an extra bottle feed.  So he dropped this wee lamb off while he sorted something out.  We keep our social distance!  Button really didn't like it!  She wasn't sure WHAT it was I think!  Far too bouncy and loud for her...  Clearly Button has no maternal instincts...

One day this week was lovely and warm, well for the time of year!  Sunshine and blue sky and sea... the tarmac is the "main road" on Graemsay....  The buildings to the right are the old byres where some sheep are in lambing.

Another day another sunset - from the back of the house this time...

Charlie the barn cat, soaking up the rays!!  He's very shy so I rarely get to take a photo of him...

And the hens were enjoying the sun on their backs too

So let's see what the next week brings for us.  Stay safe, keep your distance and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!

Sunday 22 March 2020

We live in strange times....

Firstly, I'm fine and I hope that whoever is reading this is safe and well.  I'm in self-isolation on Graemsay as I have underlying health conditions and after my spell in hospital last summer I'm taking no chances!  I can get food supplies sent over, and I can wander to the beach with Button, and keep in touch with friends and family online. In a way I feel like I live in a bubble.  I work from home during the week anyway, and apart from seeing news briefings life has gone on almost as usual for me, till the weekend and then I am not going out socialising...

There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Orkney but it is known that there are people self-isolating who have all the symptoms.  Fortunately none have needed hospitalisation and therefore are not tested hence the "no confirmed cases".

Pubs, bars, cafes and many other shops are closed in Orkney.  And yes there is still the panic buying at the supermarkets.  Though the local shops seem to be maintaining supplies AND are doing home deliveries in their area. On the plus side many in the wider Orkney community are rising to the new challenges and helping those who need it. It gives me hope....

My winter store cupboard is still pretty full as it's been a mild Winter.  And I have been able to order food online for Button and Charle (barn cat).  The hens have lots of food in their bins so will be fine too.

I have just heard on the radio that the ferry companies that go back and forth to Mainland Scotland have now been told to only carry residents on urgent business and freight.  There has been concern about those from other affected areas in the UK seeking refuge in the isles.  Mistakenly believing they are safer (and they may well be!).  But there aren't the resources in the rural areas and islands to cope with the influx which will put more pressure on supermarkets/shops, as well as health services if they get ill.

I've not blogged for a while as have been busy with work and then this last couple of weeks has been surreal.  But... I am fortunate, I can wander to the shore and Spring is on the way so I can potter in the garden.  So - here are a few photos taken recently......

One day last week dear Button spotted a pea green boat in the bay.  She thought it was Owl come to take her off to dance by the light of the moon (literary reference to The Owl and the Pussycat).  She was quite disappointed when it turned out to be a local creel fishing boat.  No Owl....

Button considers how to get to the boat without getting wet paws....

She's hoping Owl will send a smaller boat for her....

Once she realised the boat wasn't for her she contemplated the workboat sailing past.... however no Owl there either....

Meanwhile I found treasure.  A groatie buckie (tiny cowrie shell).

Button still hopeful....

Look at that blue sky!

And in the garden the crocus have done well this year (these were sheltered from the gales)

Hens enjoying the sun on their backs too....

Not sure if Button thinks she is a garden ornament.....

More crocus

And further round the island.... the Community hall (green building to the very left), and the old Manse to the right...

The old croft of Quoys....

And looking over to Sandside and Hoy High lighthouse from Garson

Button takes most things in her stride (apart from dogs and thunderstorms...)

And we both enjoy warm sunshine....

Stay safe and well folks.  I will try and blog regularly with photos around the island.....  finding it tough to think of that when around the world there is so much heartache and sorrow just now....   but contemplating the beauty of this hellebore flower that fell to the ground after being battered by the wind brings me solace...

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Bit of a grey day.....

But not windy so time for a walk.  The tide was in! The lighthouse pier nearly disappeared

Could be a tropical island.... hmmmm

Oystercatchers and plovers on the old pier...

Button just hanging around...  um... keep an eye behind you, dear!

Yup... tropical.....

Apart from the snow showers earlier..... poor Button...cold paws!

But these flowers survived the storm last weekend!!  Spring is on the way and will NOT be stopped!.

Daffs!  In time for St David's day (1st March) too!

And this valiant Hellebore has carried on flowering despite the leaves getting blackened in the gale...

Tuesday 3 March 2020

A wander on a calm day....

Along the shore... of course.... below a cormorant(?), gull and oystercatchers on the old lighthouse pier at Sandside.


The old sail shed at Sandside, attached to the old byres.

Looking towards Stromness

Black Craig over on West Mainland

Stromness harbour.....

The MV Graemsay on sea trials! Our ferry has been "broken" and out of service since the beginning of December, with the MV Golden Marianna standing in for it - a poor replacement for our service.  So it will be great to (hopefully) get our proper ferry back this week!

Coral beach...

Looking West...

Waving to Stromness and the West Mainland of Orkney.....

Graemsay on the left, Orkney Mainland on the right and the mouth of Hoy Sound in the middle

It's been so wet here (as in many places).  But I've never seen water running off the fields like this before.

Rocks on the shore...

Love this shoreline...

Rocks at the base of the old lighthouse pier.

Big vistas....

Sandside bay....

Clouds approaching......