
Sunday 24 May 2020


..... sunset... and a random hen....  These photos were again taken a couple of weeks ago.  The sun now sets further to the right.  But I love these skies with the clouds and silhouettes of the landscape blending into the red and orange fire of the sinking sun....

I am doubly fortunate as, in addition to the view of the landscape, these are all taken from my "back door" or nearby.  So no lockdown rules were broken...

And the sky kept on giving.  This was about 10pm...

And the random hen.  This is Gimpy Hen (she has a limp due to an old injury on her leg).  She's a Light Sussex hen, and is about 9 years old!  Doesn't lay eggs now, bless so is enjoying her retirement.  I love the "cape" round her neck.  She is a beautiful hen.....

Nice to think of sunny days - it's raining and very windy (50mph forecast tonight!).  Ho hum... well this IS Orkney...

Saturday 23 May 2020

In May we had snow....

Snow on hills
... well OK, it didn't last.... but it didn't last long.  It was just a shock while it was here....

Incoming snow!

Yip that would be snow....

Proper big snowflakes too - not just hail....  er some of the bigger white blobs are sheep! 

But it soon turned to rain...

Followed (to Button's delight) by sunshine and blue skies....

And a glorious sunset....

Monday 18 May 2020

20 years ago this month......

Yup, it is the 20th anniversary of my arrival on Graemsay to live.  In some ways it doesn't seem that long and in others it feels longer.  I wrote about my decision to move to Graemsay on my blog a year or two ago and you can find Parts 1-6 here.

Nice to look back to the early days, and despite very strange times it is still a joy to be here....

I lived in this caravan from May through till the following January, and then moved to a more secure home on Hoy for the wild and windy months of winter.....

Tiger Lily the cow had her calf in the garden - well as you can see it was mostly field!

This was a particular low point for all sorts of reasons..... not least a gale that I was convinced would demolish what remained of the house....

Thankfully it all ended well.  Obviously.  And now this is very much "home".

Though sadly the seals don't haul out on the beach like they used to in May.....

But I do have this view Every. Single. Day so am VERY fortunate!

And I can't think of a safer place for me to "shield" from Covid-19.... Stay safe and well folks.

Sunday 17 May 2020

Misty days....

Back at the end of April there was a beautiful sunny day ending in a glorious ethereal misty evening.  Some pix from then...  You can just see the mist creeping in between Graemsay and Hoy above.  And look at those gorgeous clouds!

The bank of mist hangs at the top of the hill....

And Hoy disappears....

And comes rolling over Graemsay....

And on to blanket Stromness for the night...

Saturday 16 May 2020

Early May randomness

I love May in Orkney. It begins to feel Spring like, though that can be deceptive!  And the sun peeps round the end of Graemsay to set in the sea.  There have been some lovely skies in May....

Some more dramatic than others!

The hens enjoy the longer days and a chance to get out and about rootling around.  They are never in lockdown - no predators on the island so they just get up and go to bed when they wish through their little hatch! Of course this means they also lay eggs everyone so every day can be like an Easter Egg hunt!

Off on a wander now.....

And this very blurry photo is sunRISE!  Taken about 3.30 one morning..... thanks to being woken by Madam Button.... yes the windows need cleaning...

Sandside at dusk....

And after the sun has set.......

Friday 15 May 2020

May on Graemsay.....

Yes, sorry, been a bit quiet.  Hopefully catch up with some blogging over next couple of days.  Meanwhile today was a lovely afternoon so some pictures around the island - still in lockdown in Scotland....

The pier looks so quiet these days, just two boats a day, one at 8.45 and one at 5.45. No cargo runs (though everything still comes over on those two sailings).  Only essential journeys on the ferry, key workers, hospital visits, vet visits, or shopping (we have no shop on the island).  All households are isolating and so not many folk about, though of course farmers still busy with lambing and calving.

Primroses spill over the banks in abundance

And along the banks too

Marsh marigolds in the ditches....

Looking over to Hoy from Scarratain - an old croft with a traditional turf roof.  Cattle in the field.

The old sail shed at the foot of Windbreck hill

Cattle in the field.  The round bales are silage - winter feed for the cattle and sheep

A wee lamb having lunch!

This ewe wanted to know what my business was and stood between me and her cute lamb!  The derelict building is Cott of School and is next to the old school.

The stories this wee house could tell!

The ewe and lamb have a pal....

And round at Sandside bay....

Small things bring joy in these strange times.  Hope you can stay safe and well....