
Friday 6 January 2023

Happy 2023!


Apologies for gross dereliction of blogging in recent weeks.  I struggle with low energy in Winter and with the impending move to my new home later this month I have been concentrating on packing - again!  I also managed to pick up a virus despite still not mixing very much.  Fortunately a course of steroids and antibiotics kicked it into touch, though I am still weary and am croaking away!

Anyway as it is a very blustery day today (50mph winds this morning) I decided to stay in my cosy rental place in Kirkwall for the day and do some catching up.  So here are a few photos taken over the last month.

The weather has been mixed as ever, we even had a bit of snow and a lot of ice for a while.  I'm hoping for benign weather on moving day.

Button is less than impressed with more packing.... Bless her she has settled into town life remarkably well - though confined to a small garden and no cat flap.  

But she will get underfloor heating again and windows with views like this!

The snow covered hills of the island of Rousay in the distance!

Meanwhile a short walk away....

My new home has a history too which I want to explore.  It was a former Coastguard shed....

Meanwhile back in Kirkwall over Christmas..... snow!

Wishing everyone a good 2023......