
Thursday 31 August 2023

A wander about...


The weather was lovely while I was poorly with Covid. And after a few days I was able to wander about the house and up to the dunes where it is usually pretty quiet in the evening.  During the day it's a favourite haunt of dog walkers, families on the beach and visitors.  But in the evening, although there may be a few camper vans in the nearby carpark or the odd tent among the dunes, it is generally peaceful and I have it to myself. Here are a few photos from my wanderings....

Overlooking St Peter's Pool

At Dingieshowe, looking out to the island of Copinsay.

And just to show it isn't ALWAYS sunny.... a dreich day... and yes that's a bleached rib of a whale by the gabions.  And the road the other side of the wall.

I love teasels, as do the bees!

And finally, Madam Button in an existential ennui....

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Well that was interesting!


The last few posts were "scheduled" after I had a burst of blogging mojo.  Just as well as for the last 10 days I've had Covid.  Fortunately for me a fairly mild dose, and my GP was on the ball with extra meds in case my asthma deteroirated (it didn't).  Just left with the feeling of fatigue but taking things slowly.

During my incarceration (because a) I didn't feel well enough to go out and about and b) when I did I am aware there are many clinically vulnerable folk in the community and didn't want to spread the virus) I sat and read, listened to music and did a jigsaw puzzle.  Mostly I sat in what I euphemistically call "The Sea Room" as it overlooks St Peter's Pool.  I took daily photos as the weather was mostly lovely (typical when I couldn't get out!) and the cloudscapes and sunsets were amazing.  Summer is coming to a close now and the sun is moving round towards it's autumnal/winter position.  But for now I enjoy watching the evening light from the comfy sofa in the Sea Room.  So here are a few photos of the last week.  

First the sunsets....

Cloudscapes.... smoke signals? Space ships?  Nah - Lenticular clouds...

And yes, of course Button was "looking after me" ahem....  

Friday 25 August 2023

A walk to the shore....


Not quite like walking to the shore on Graemsay and I miss my little Sea Cat who prefers to snooze on the sofa in her old age.  But it is a lovely short walk just a few 100 yards from my house to this gorgeous beach.  And I am very thankful for that!  It is also a popular area for camper vans and campers in tents so I choose the quiet times.

A nice spot to contemplate life or just sit and listen to the waves (Option 2 preferred).

And it's Teasel-tastic time at the moment!

And the Angelica looking good too.

Thursday 24 August 2023

Summer days part 2


We have been fortunate in Orkney to have a reasonable summer.  Pleasantly warm (if you are acclimatised to Orkney!), very dry, few high winds, and lots of sunshine.  And as August progresses so does the farming year with silage being cut, hay being made, and vegetables being harvested.

This year I decided not to grow any vegetables.  I just enjoyed the flowers in my new garden, created by the previous owners.  The sedums were glorious when in flower, they were like snow on top of the gabions.

Bright yellow stars on this sedum....

Malva and scabious growing in pots...

A Scottish thistle!

Not forgetting this precious flower!  Button, I think is showing us the literal translation of being caught between a rock and a hard place. Hee hee!  My little heat seeking cat absorbs warmth wherever she can...

And when awake she ensures she gets my full attention.....

Or sits on the windowsill contemplating life, the universe, and dinner time...

Talking of dinner time.   Ronnie and Reggie guard the door, so I can't slip out without feeding them!



The Boys... bless them!