
Friday 15 February 2008

Friday again

Just back from the pier - the island gets a "cargo" delivery mid-day on a Tues, Weds and Friday with our local ferry delivering supplies from the Orkney Mainland. All items either have to be handed off the boat, or winched off by crane which has a weight limit so no large items can be delivered with ease. However today some straw was delivered - needed by a local farmer for bedding for coos (cows) that are about to calve, plus some wheat which is destined for my hens (I hope), and supplies from the local grocery shops in town.

Today has remained beautiful and sunny, though chilly. But I can see some daffodil leaves poking out above the ground so Spring must definitely be approaching. I've just returned from a walk on the beach. I just love hearing the waves on the shore. Today the shoreline is marked by a line of shingle so the waves make a wonderful sound as they roll across. Each day the shore is different, depending on what the last tide and currents have brought in. I love seeing the patterns left on the sand from water running from the burn, the paw marks of the local dogs, and footprints left by the waders - today I disturbed a dozen or so Oyster Cathers who shrieked their indignation at me.

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