
Thursday 10 April 2008

Another lovely Spring day today with bright sunshine. I’ve been working indoors most of the day so haven’t been able to really enjoy the fresh air. However am over in town tomorrow so hopefully the weather will hold.

I managed two miles on my treadmill tonight – I’m trying to build up stamina for a holiday in Devon in May as I want to get in some heavy-duty sight-seeing, walking through some valleys. Although I tend to be on the go a lot I don’t generally walk much – far too lazy for that. That’s why I loved horse-riding as my pony, Badger, did all the hard work and I just had to sit there :-)

I’ve just been outdoors now at nearly 10pm. It is such a calm still night – the lights of Stromness are reflecting across to the shore of Graemsay, and the shore-birds are calling noisily. The lapwings are beginning their aerial displays during the day, and still call throughout the night – they sound very comical, just like the Clangers (characters from a children’s series from the 1970s).

I must go and write my shopping list for tomorrow – I probably won’t be in the town again for another week so must make sure I don’t forget anything!

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