
Wednesday 2 April 2008

Late tonight with today’s entry. I’ve been busy trying to get ahead with work as I’m taking a few days off because I have a visitor arriving tomorrow. A friend from Kent is coming to stay for the weekend. She last visited a few years ago so she at least has some idea what to expect in terms of weather! At least it is quite mild at the moment. I just hope for some sunshine while she is here. Orkney looks so different in the sun!

We have a boat service this weekend, as it's the first weekend of the month, so will be able to go over to the Orkney Mainland and do some site-seeing. I’ll try and take some photos of scenery around Orkney and post them here. The tourist season isn’t fully underway yet – that tends not to happen till May. But hopefully we will find a tea-room or two open on our travels!

Our Graemsay ferry is due to go away for it’s marine version of the MOT this week and in it’s place we will get the “Golden Marianna”. It’s a very small boat – well it can still take quite a few folk, but it’s not so easy to get on and off the boat, and no cargo, fuel or large items can be carried. So we have all stocked up on essential supplies as the Graemsay ferry may be away for about two weeks.

Today saw the arrival of some “composting cones” – these are green plastic cones that get sunk into the ground and allegedly you can put all sorts of household scraps in and it all composts down and can be used on the garden. Several folk have taken one, including me. I need to plant it at some point. I don’t have much in the way of scraps though as I tend to give most surplus to the hens. Although I don’t give the hens any meat scraps – they may well eat worms and bugs, but that’s their choice, I don’t force feed them any processed meat anyway!

Well this is a short entry tonight as I need to finish off some domestic chores in readiness for my visitor and I have to get the 8.25 am boat in the morning so I’d better get on with them!

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