
Saturday 25 October 2008

Smoking Rainbows…..

No that does not have the same meaning as “sufferin’ succotash”…. The wind has changed to South Westerly now and become strong gale force after a slight respite this morning. But the spray was being whipped up by the wind so the sea looked as though it was smoking, and the sun came out and suddenly there were mini rainbows hovering over the sea and surf. It was beautiful! Unfortunately too far distant for me to take a decent photo and no I had no intention of going nearer to take a photo for your personal delight!

Just spoken to some friends in Stromness, the phones are on is some places there but still out in others. One friend had her phone fixed this morning by a BT engineer who said that lots of places in Orkney were affected by lightning strikes yesterday. Others report having their phone sockets blown off the wall. The island of Rousay has problems with it’s cable so engineers are heading out there on Monday. The island of Westray is also out of action in terms of telephones (though maybe not all of it).

I’m hoping the increasing winds don’t mean the electricity goes off! Though I do have some lanterns and a battery radio as backup!


  1. Hi Sian
    Your accounts of the wind and weather really bring home to me the true meaning of living on your small island.......... and it's not even November yet! Please keep cosy and keep writing. Here in Yorkshire the sun is shining gloriously this morning and the wind seems to have died down.
    Take care

  2. Enjoy the sunshine! High winds are a feature of life in Orkney. Though we usually have mild winters and rarely have much snow fall - or if we do it doesn't stay long. But I am thankful for my sturdy stone house!
