
Sunday 28 December 2008

Whoopeee for drop in oil prices!

Just sorting out bills that arrived pre-Christmas and am delighted to find a huge difference in my oil bill. Phew!! BIG Phew! Last tank I had delivered back in August cost £605.00. That lasted four months (oil fired boiler works heating and heats water). Got a delivery of oil just before Christmas and the same amount cost £386! Whooooppeeeeee! The price has dropped from 57.71p per litre to 36.88p per litre.

I have to say I'm rather extravagant with heating. I like to feel warm and NOT wrapped up in lots of layers. I keep the sitting room at about 70 degrees F in winter. The underfloor heating is very efficient so the room stays more or less constant during the day. Upstairs are radiators and I keep the rooms cooler here. This winter I shut off the heating in the conservatory and put a dehumidifier out there to keep things aired. I usually have the heating on low in the conservatory in winter but don't use the room much as the sitting room is cosier for winter and easier to keep warm with fewer windows etc.

I am a huge fan of underfloor heating (so is Button - her paws are forever warm....!). The boiler comes on and pumps hot water around the downstairs floors for a few hours in the morning and again in the evening. But the cement floor acts like a large storage heater and gives out heat even when the pump is off. Upstairs are traditional hot water radiators and these rooms cool down quicker.

Because the stone walls are so thick (3 feet in places) and reasonably well insulated I usually need to keep the heating on till about end of May, till the house warms up - sometimes it's warmer outside in Spring than inside! But usually in the summer I can switch the heating off - except when I have visitors! I've acclimatised to Orkney temperatures but take pity on my visitors!

Now..... if electricity prices could just follow suit........

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