
Saturday 28 February 2009

Signs of Spring

Today is misty with intermittent drizzly rain, which seeps into one's bones and makes it feel colder than it probably really is. However I felt I just HAD to get out and get some fresh air today. There's no wind and I can hear a cacophony of sound from the birds. The wrens seem to be marking out their territory. The starlings are chattering around. Down on the shore there's a lot of screaming from the gulls and I can hear lapwings and oystercatchers too. I saw a sparrow dive into a hole in the wall so it must be nest building time.

And all the plants are sprouting - the rosa rugosa, the willows, bulbs are beginning to come into flower and even a few daisies were blooming despite the drear day!

I still have the tail-end of a virus and lack energy but it was refreshing to get out and "take the air"!

Even Button has a spring in her step these days with the milder weather and calmer days. Though *snow* is potentially forecast for next week.

The cattle are remain indoors in sheds for a few more weeks, and I don't think anyone on Graemsay has started this year's calving, though I know some folk on Hoy who have had several sleepless nights already. Lambing hasn't started on the island yet either, though will be within a few short weeks and then it will be a busy time on the farms. I love watching the lambs in the fields, but I'm glad I don't have to get up and walk round the fields at dawn checking the flock!


  1. How lovely to see your pussy willows. Is that what you call them in Graemsay? I've caught John's cold, and am trying to do all things possible to keep it from being as bad as his has been. I'm glad to hear that you're doing better.

  2. I'd forgotten that name, not used since childhood! Yes "pussy willows"! These are my lovely grey willow trees that were only planted two summers ago and are doing really well. I'm so pleased to see them bursting with new life again.

  3. And Mary Z - do get well soon and take care of yourself! Colds make one feel so miserable!
