
Tuesday 26 May 2009

Tram lines on Graemsay?

No - just tractor wheel marks after the field was spread with fertilizer. Some years the field at the back of the house has been used as summer grazing, but the fence is in poor repair so this year it will be used for silage, or maybe hay for winter feed for island livestock. Once I get the fence fixed and "livestock" proof, animals could go back in there - not mine I hasten to add! I let a neighbour use the field - I get the pleasure of looking at the livestock without any of the work!

Today has been another bright sunny day. I've been out weeding in the vegetable garden. The peas and beans I sowed just before I went south are already appearing above the ground. I have to turn a "blind eye" to the rest of the garden as it will be some time before that is sorted out. As a friend said, just concentrate on what has been done, rather than looking at what needs to be done! Otherwise I get a bit despondant. However I just need a little patience and all will come together.

I see there was a cruise liner in Stromness harbour today. Orkney is visited by quite a large number of cruise liners, though most visit Kirkwall. Usually the visitors are landed in small boats and then go on coach tours around the Orkney Mainland to various historic sites such as Skara Brae or the Ring of Brodgar, with a little time to shop in the town. At least the visitors will take home good memories of Orkney in the sun this time.

And I heard seals calling today while weeding the garden. That is such a relief as I haven't seen seals around for some time. They would usually be around the rocks and skerries of the shore, but the fish must have been scarce as there were no seals to be seen for some time. However the fish must be back as the air was filled with seal calls tonight. Most of the seals around the island are grey seals. In years gone by they would haul out onto the sandy beach in May, but they've been choosing other sites on the island for their sun bathing in recent years.

Here's a photo from about 10 years ago when they would sunbathe on Sandside beach:


  1. Oh, we DID love Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar! I was absolutely the last one on the bus as they were waiting to leave the Ring.

  2. BTW, John thought he posted a comment about your photos of the model boat, but he didn't quite get it. In any case, he loved the huge hog in the pen on the deck of the boat.

    And wanted to let you know that another member of the family was reading your blog (that's three now, that I know of).

  3. You must be so pleased to see and hear the seals, Sian. Your vegetable growing sounds very successful; fighting off the slugs here around the cabbages and kale. Like you there is so much to do in our garden.

    I have been following your blogs but a bit frazzled by work etc. Not going to make Orkney this spring. Sadly the ferries don't work out with our trip to Shetland. Are you still going to Shetland in early June? We arrive on 23 June for a week - not long but I plan to pack the 7 days. Staying in 3 B & B's; Lerwick, Unst and S. Mainland. Can't wait. Bye for now, Jo

  4. Mary Z: Ring of Brodgar is one of my favourite sites and I go there quite often. I always take my visitors to Skara Brae but I usually sit in the cafe eating cake having been round it a few times. lOvely to hear it's a family affair reading my blog. LOL!

    Jo - yes I just love the seals - one of the reasons I fell in love with the house. I have yet to wage war with the "pests" aroun the veggies as things are only just starting to poke above the ground. But I have no doubt it will come.
    Sorry to hear work is frazzled. Hope you enjoy your holiday in Shetland. No I am not making it up to Shetland this June after all. Change of plan. Maybe another year...... Do keep in touch! And let me know what you think of Shetland.
