
Tuesday 16 June 2009

Normal service will be resumed shortly....

...... once I have recovered from a nasty stomach bug that snuck up on me at the weekend. Feeling better today so hopefully well on road to recovery. The weather has been glorious - typical, just when I can't enjoy it to the full! But veggies have been growing without my constant attention and I shall just ignore the weeds for now!

A group of school children and their teachers arrived on the island a couple of hours ago for a visit to the beach. They are from Stromness Primary School, and at least they have a warm sunny day to explore rock pools and make sand-castles! It's surprising the number of Orcadians who remark upon their only visit to Graemsay having been on a school trip or a Sunday School picnic. At least these kids will have memories of sunshine and sand to take home with them - plus a few shells from the beach too!


  1. Sorry about your bug. I do hope you're better soon.

  2. hope you feel better soon - not swine flu I hope??

  3. Hope you are brighter now, Sian. Have been watching the weather in Orkney & Shetland - looks a bit dismal today. It has been sunny in Shetland lately so hopefully it's just a blip before we arrive there next Tuesday. Am also following the "twitters" & blogs of someone who arrived in Stromness on the ferry this morning - rain again! If you're interested, this is his page: A really interesting chap who had to leave Lewis recently due to health problems. Bye for now, Jo.

  4. Mary Z - yes feeling much better now thanks!

    WendF - thanks, feeling much better now, and no, wrong symptoms for swine flu!

    JoK - thanks for link - I'm following it too! Although it rained yesterday (Weds) it was a beautiful evening. Grey again today but no rain. Fingers crossed for your trip to Shetland!
