
Friday 31 July 2009

Orkney archaeology

I forget who it was who said "Scratch the surface of Orkney and it bleeds archaeology" but it certainly seems to be true. Orkney, due to remoteness, escaped the worst excesses of the industrial age and the land is largely undisturbed. So not only have wonderful Neolithic sites (neolithic period from about 4000 to 1800BC) such as Skara Brae (photo above) been discovered, but other sites are still being explored and interpreted with several "digs" being conducted in Orkney this summer.

One of these digs has a daily blog written by those working at the site of the Ness of Brodgar, which is quite close to the Ring of Brodgar (a circle of standing stones, photo above). They are finding interesting bits of pottery and linking together the history of this site with others on Orkney. The dig goes on through August and I'm hoping to get along to one of the tours given by the team. I'll post some photos when I do!


  1. Oh, if I could only live where I always had access to the Ring of Brodgar!!!! One of my absolute favorite places in the world!

  2. Where is the Ness of Brodgar in relation to the Ring and to the Stones of Stenness? And, please refresh me as to what does "ness" mean?

  3. Nice memories--I remember your taking us to Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar...and so many other places, including that lighthouse.... :)

  4. Everyone has told me the reason I should go to Orkney is because it oozes history. Stones, bones, shards and artefacts are an integral part of me; have always been since I remember when I began remembering. Would love this...

  5. Mary Z - I love the Ring of Brodgar too. Particularly in winter when I can visit and be there all alone apart from the birds! The Ness of Brodgar is between the Ring and the Stones of Stenness. Nearer to the SofS I think - but I was driving and trying not to run into the loch while looking at the site as I went past, so not too sure. LOL! Hmmm can't remember what "Ness" means - will have to investigate and get back to you.

    Bev - ah - you noticed the light-house, how observant of you [g].

    Paula - well you had better start planning your next holiday then ;-)
