
Saturday 17 October 2009

A lovely autumn day...

Woke up to sunshine, NO WIND, blue skies, mild temperatures ...... oooh bliss. A bit of a respite from the Autumnal wind and rain that we have had in Orkney for the last few weeks. A chance to throw open the windows and let some fresh air into the house!

And above is a Heron on one of the old buildings near the shore. As you can see below s/he was also taking the time for a little preening activity (wish I had a longer zoom lens...)

Must get out into the walled garden today and lift the remaining "tatties". I've also got some "early" onion sets to plant and am hoping just to tidy up the veg plot before winter.


  1. Love those great blue herons - and they're EVERYWHERE. What a beautiful day you had to enjoy.

  2. Hope you hade a wonderul time in your "wee" walled garden, with happy harvesting of the onions etc..... and Button being helpful - if she was present.

    How is the grass in huge great middle of your walled garden getting on? Such a pity that cats don't graze on grass (Zebby does like to have a daily munchfull of the grass out there - vets advise that some cats just do that)

    Enjoy Autumn, care and huggles from a very damp and soggy Wellington attempt at Springtime,

    Michelle and Zebbycat, xxx and sleeping on the bed all day purrrrumbles

  3. Good luck with the gardening, I hope the weather holds for you. Must clear up in the yard for winter planting, broad beans and garlic.

  4. Mary Z - I love watching herons take off and fly. They look too big to make it! When they sit hunched on the shore they remind me of "Icarus" - a human wrapped in feathers...

    Mickle - all harvesting complete and now onto winter planting. Phew. Muscles aching but happy heart! Button was busy hunting mice - she too had a successful day - sigh. The grass is doing great, and yes Button likes a munch of it too. Hope your summer is less soggy than your Spring! I bet big Zebbycat has loud purrumbles!

    Walrus21 - hmmmm I was wondering about starting some broad beans off now to see how they compare with later plantings. Might be a bit ambitious, but you're close to the shore and it works for you? So might just give it a try!
