
Tuesday 13 October 2009

Our "interim" ferry.....

Our usual Graemsay ferry (the MV Graemsay) is off being lengthened. A sort of "cut and shut" operation where the vessel is sawn in half, a new bit dropped in and it's all welded back together again and we get a longer back deck. Why? Well allegedly it a) will make the vessel more fuel efficient, b) more cargo can be stowed on the back deck (though the crane will be the same so nothing heavier than currently allowed can be winched on) and c) it's a longer boat...... In some future, which in the current enconomic climate I am sure is quite distant, our pier will also have a bit added which means that (allegedly) a couple of hours either side of a high tide the island could have an intermittant "ro-ro" service.

Anyway in the meantime we have an "interim" ferry called the "Golden Mariana". Now this wee ferry (see photo above) usually plies it's trade between the islands of Westray and Papay Westray (known as Papay) taking the kids back and forth to school in the winter, as well as providing a link between the islands. Currently the kids are being flown between the two islands - which is - er - probably an interesting experience given that the flight has always been billed as "the world's shortest flight" because you spend about a minute in the air. Now it has to be said this IS a regular flight, though the timetable has been changed to accommodate school times, but I suspect not all the kids are thrilled about being bounced around in a plane - twice a day, for the next three months.....

Meanwhile on Graemsay we are very familiar with the wee boat - we get it for two weeks each year while our own ferry is away for a marine version of an MOT. But unfortunately it's just not as easily accessible as the "Graemsay" - particularly if you have a couple of bags of shopping in your hand. And somehow at the pier it doesn't feel as stable as our regular boat, so you have to judge just when to step across onto the pier more so than we are used to. Add to that it's October and Autum/Winter in Orkney is characerised by gales and this boat - well - it bounces about a bit....... a lot....... Last week the wind got up during the day and the afternoon and evening sailings were cancelled. Which if you are over on the Orkney Mainland for the day means you definitely need to keep an eye on the changing weather or find yourself begging a bed for the night somewhere (not to mention begging a freezer to put your shopping in!)

And as you can see from the photo of the wee boat it doesn't have a cargo deck. So currently we have to arrange for large items (fuel, sheep, coos) to be transported via special arrangement on another vessel, which means a little extra planning. So - all in all there are a few challenges ahead for us till the "Graemsay" returns.

And I'm sorry to the folk on Papay and Westray - I'm sure you are very glad of your boat and I don't mean to sound ungrateful because at least we *have* a boat, it's just it's a very bouncy one - with no toilets........ and the pile of sick bags in the magazine racks has me worried......

So whoever is in charge - can we have our boat back soon please? And it no longer will look like this........

Disclaimer: the above is purely my own opinion and is not necessarily shared by anyone else!


  1. I remember bouncing around on the Golden Mariana en route to Papay. Hope you don't have to use those sick bags!

  2. I remember that trip and the kids on the boat weren't bothered at all! *I* hope I don't need to use the sick bags either......
