
Sunday 8 November 2009

November already???

No haven't gone into premature hibernation, just been extremely busy with work and not a lot of time for much else.

Today is a beautiful autumnal day with blue skies, blue sea, low sun and just a bit of a chill in the air. Yesterday was exactly the same. Which was fortunate as it was our "Harvest Home" (non religious celebration of the end of the harvest). This event takes place annually at the beginning of November in our island community hall.

Everyone on the island turned out for the evening and a few visitors added to the number. The meal was prepared by various of the ladies on the island and brought to the hall where everyone was seated among the traditional decorations of neaps (swede) and greenery. A three course meal with wine was served followed by tea, coffee and homebakes. Our guest speaker was Willie Tulloch from Stromness and he recalled memories of coming to Graemsay as a wee boy in a yole (traditional small, wide but low sail boat) before raising a toast to Graemsay.

As Halloween was also recently the children dressed up in costume, along with a few adults, and paraded round the hall before doing a small party piece and then collecting sweeties from everyone. I tried persuading people that sweets are bad for children and as a community service *I* would take all the sweets - but as usual everyone ignored me.....sigh.

Music was provided by Fran and Ruby, our visiting musicians, who play the accordion and fiddle, and folk danced the remainder of the night away to traditional Scottish tunes. Tea and home bakes were served later and some of us headed off home about 1am, while the remainder with more stamina stayed until about 5.30am!

It's a little quiet on the island now........ I've just taken delivery of some of the dishes from last night to put through the dishwasher, have some laundry out on the line, and been for a walk with Button on the beach, and now I think I need a lie down!


Here's a sparrow enjoying the autumn fruits from the rosa rugosa:

This is Button on the beach - sometimes she comes home smelling of seaweed! My little SeaCat...


  1. Hi Sian, Sounds like a good evening. Have missed your posts - glad you're ok and not too many computer problems now!!

  2. Sian,

    I can't quite believe that we're into November already either.

    You've certainly been busy, but getting a nice balance of work and play. Nevertheless, a good lie down will charge your batteries.

    Nice to read your latest post. They have been missed.

  3. You are amking your island life sound so convivial and entertaining. There is something about a community that shows up en masse to an event - we just don't get that in the city.

  4. Thanks Elcmae - hadn't realised it was two weeks since I'd last posted! Just been so busy with work that time just flew by.....

    Martin - Thanks for your comments. Feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep now so hopefully batteries have recharged a bit!
    VioletSky - there is nothing in the way of entertainment on the island (not even a pub) so we have to make our own and folk are very good at turning out to events at the "hall" in any weather!
