
Saturday 12 December 2009

Another December sunset.....

Another fabulous sunset tonight. We are having some beautiful weather at the moment, clear skies, mild, NO WIND....! Long may it last. The days are getting ever shorter with sunrise at 0856 this morning and sunset at 1515.... nearly the shortest day.......

And talking of mid-winter sunsets....... The live webcam is now up and running at Maeshowe, Orkney's chambered cairn thought to date from 2,700 BC. At Maeshowe the last rays of the sunset on the Winter solstice shine down the entrance tunnel and light up the rear wall of the main chamber. Click here for the live webcam. Other pages on the site will show you pictures from past sunsets. Maeshowe is an amazing place to visit - you have to crouch down to enter the chamber through a long low tunnel (not for the claustrophobic!) which then opens out into a larger chamber, complete with Viking graffiti!

1 comment:

  1. We've been watching Maes Howe, and there was good light this morning. The best time in the US Eastern Time Zone is about 9:30-noon.
