
Friday 12 February 2010

Frosty day

I've realised I haven't posted here for quite a few days. A combination of laziness, lethargy and SAD I think. However today I awoke to blue skies, sunshine - and a wonderful crispy frosty morning. I went for a walk along the beach and listened to the waves gently lapping the shoreline. The air was so still that noises from the town drifted across the water. The sound of many geese came from over the hill and shore birds twittered as I moved across the sand. Oooh bliss......... so here are some "frosty morning" photos. In the photo above you can just see ice clinging to the top of the Hoy Hills.

Below is frozen seaweed! The usually soft sand in the dunes was frozen solid, and seaweed and sand crunched underfoot as I walked.

In the warmth of the morning sun the frost melted to beautiful sparkling droplets of water.

These were my companions this morning, twittering cheerfully in the warmth of the sun


  1. I'm in love with the Orkney islands - I'm from Scotland originally but don't live there anymore. I visited the Orkney islands once, and yours looks beautiful. Just found your blog; love it.

  2. You've been missed! Love the macro photo with the droplets.

    John has a problem with SAD, too. He has one of those bright lights, and when he feels the need, he sits in front of it to read the paper. It definitely helps him.

    We've had a lot of grey days here - another one today, with snow showers and it's starting to stick to the grassy areas. Yuck!

  3. Hi Chrissy - welcome to Graemsay then! Just looked at your blog. Love the photo of your cat and the cupcake - my two favourite things!

    Mary Z - Nice to be missed! I tried a SAD lamp for a while but the brightness triggered migraines! The lower voltage one didn't have any effect - so I content myself with rushing outside whenever there is a glimmer of daylight and turning my face to the sun! LOL!

  4. Love the photos, one day I will visit the Orkney islands. Pouring of rain here in Sydney but warm. I'd rather the cold and dry. Getting a bit fed up with the rain even though the dams need it. I've never seen frozen seaweed.
    Take Care, Virginia K
