
Monday 8 March 2010

A touch of Spring

It was a glorious weekend, the sun shone, no wind, and mild temperatures. It was a joy to be outdoors! I spent a while just basking in the sunshine, and then tended the veggie patch. Time to do a bit of weeding and forking the seaweed all along the vegetable border. The border runs for about 100 feet and the fun at this time of the year is the dreaming and planning of what crops to sow. (Photo above of garden border with Stromness and the West Mainland of Orkney in the background).

The seaweed is from the nearby shore and full of colour, texture and the smell of the sea. Wonderful stuff which helped provide a lovely crop of veggies last year and will do the same this year too (I hope!).

Meanwhile the buds on the willows are bursting forth, all fluff and bringing the promise of future growth.

"Georgous George" and the girls were enjoying the sunshine too. Though George is turning out to be a little aggressive towards me. I adopt my best Joyce Grenfell voice and say "George - don't do that, dear!"...... I may need to change tactics soon.

And yet, despite the sun and the warmth, snow clung stubbornly to the Orphir hills!

Note : New Orkney website under development and worth a look : click here


  1. You'll be enjoying those veggies in no time.

  2. Ooooh I do hope so! Still have some frozen beans in the freezer but looking forward to the fresh stuff!

  3. Lovely pics! Springlike but very cold down here too.
    Thanks for the tip about the new website - interesting favicon there...
    And yes - Graemsay definitely on our itinerary for our next visit...

  4. Glad to see Spring is on the way. Love the photos. Have you received either of the emails I sent you separately from this comment section? We would definitely like to get in touch with you when we are in the Orkneys in June. Not sure if your email address is working for me.
    Louise & Jeff
    Seattle, WA, USA

  5. Rob - look forward to seeing you sometime then!

    Louise - no I didn't receive either of your emails! my email address is: is that the one you were using? Please do try again - it would be lovely to meet up.

  6. A spectacular weekend, wasn't it? Who's behind the new Orkney site? It's a little vague.

  7. Malc - lovely weekend! And weather continues!! Site - Steven Heddle aka Kirkwall Cooncillor, and also behind the Orkney Communities site.
