
Monday 5 April 2010

Who turned the lights out?

No we don't have a power cut, but the big light of the Hoy High lighthouse next door is out tonight. I hadn't noticed but apparently it was out last night too. Usually there are back up systems - battery packs and generator, so it must be some other fault. It may be the first time in it's history that it has not been shining it's light across the water.

It was originally built by Alan Stevenon in 1851 (one of the "Lighthouse Stevensons") and would originally have been run by oil. Of course in those days the lighthouses were manned and lighthouse keepers and their families lived in the houses beneath the light.

These days the lighthouses are all "automatic" and engineers have to come out for maintenance, either by boat or via helicopter. It's Easter weekend and given that most vessels have GPS perhaps it's not felt it's an "emergency" to get the light working. It's sad,though, looking out of the window and seeing the tower in darkness.

Note : Here's a link from Judith in Nova Scotia, Canada - their community bought their lighthouse! Click here


  1. In our village we banded together and bought the light from the government:

  2. Hi Judith - thanks for the link, I've put a note on my blog post about it as I'm sure other folk will be interested too. It looks a lovely lighthouse - I could live in it! Love the picture of your cat - reminds me of my late lamented Fitzi-cat!

  3. There is a sad symbolism in the light going out for the first time in its history. Hope they get it going today. Meanwhile I find myself humming that beautiful mariners' hymn in my head: 'Oh hear us when we cry to Thee, for those in peril on the sea'. GPS may be a better bet, but hymns can't hurt!

  4. I do find it quite sad. I hope some engineers come over today and fix it. The lighthouse is actually a "leading light" and mariners (particularly the old herring fleet) would line up the lights of Hoy High and Hoy Low as they came into the Sound to safe harbour in Stromness. It *is* still used. Though I do wonder whether it was lit during the war years.... I must investigate that - given the general "blackouts" and Scapa Flow being the "home base" of the British Fleet.

  5. Found your lovely blog whilst looking for an Armenian Soup recipe. Thanks.

  6. The lighthouse was in mourning because it heard you are considering relocating.

  7. Hello Anonynous - hope you drop in again!

    Bev - well it's not been listening very carefully then cos I'm not planning on relocating anytime soon!!
