
Monday 7 June 2010

Dry stane dyke - Day 2

Um OK I know I said I'd post photos on Sunday, but well, it's tiring work making tea! Anyway day two of the course dawned a bit hazy but the weather soon warmed up. Everyone turned up, probably somewhat *less* eagerly than on day one, as I suspect many had sore muscles! But enthusiasm was revived and the task for the day was set - to build an "end" to part of the wall along with a gate post to match the existing pillar opposite. The gate post proved quite tricky as it had to be built in a square and so choosing each stone was critical. But once again I am delighted with the result! There was, of course, a "topping out" ceremony with a toast to the new wall with a "wee dram" of Highland Park whisky!

Every stone has to count...

Sometimes an adjustment is needed to make a stone fit in place

You can see the gate pillar taking shape

There are, of course, always those who enjoy watching people work!

Some interesting shaped stones were found! This one looks like a fish....

Button inspecting the wall to ensure it comes up to scratch....


  1. The wall is lovely Sian. Nice pose from Button too :-)

  2. It looks great, nice to see the animals giving the finished effort their seal of approval too :)

  3. Very important to have approval of all the animals! Though hens are in for a shock once the gate goes on as they won't be able to get over the wall now it's been repaired!!

  4. How exciting! No, really. Both my husband and my late dad are/were mildly obsessed with dry-stane dyking: neither of them have done it yet, but both of them want/ed to 'one of these days'. It was the one event at the local agricultural show (yes, competitive dry-stane dyking) that my dad always stopped to watch. I think I must send my husband on a course: when you have a desk-bound job, a spot of concentrated, practical, physical craftsmanship is just what the doctor ordered.

    Even I love to see a well made wall, and it's encouraging that there's been a bit of a revival in the craft. Your new dyke looks splendid. Did you manage to keep the fish stone?

  5. Oh, oh, but...just remembered a gloriously silly poem by Pam Ayres, which tells the other side of the story.
    (Imagine it read in a Mumerzet accent)

    'I am a dry stone waller,
    All day I dry stone wall.
    Of all appalling callings
    Dry stone walling's
    Worst of all.'


  6. I hope it all met Button's approval!

    The end result is incredible, well done to all.
