
Friday 4 June 2010

Back home

Yes I snuck away for a few days in Paris, travelled on Eurostar with a UK friend to meet friends from the US who were touring France. Had a brilliant time, catching up with friends, touring the sites, drinking cafe-au-lait and vin rouge on pavement cafes in the late evening. Wonderful! But - typical British complaint - it was *too hot*! It was 29 degrees C! So I was quite happy to return to this below.... a beautiful sunset, nice warm temperatures, blue skies!

If you compare this with the previous post's photo you will see that the sun has moved across the horizon even in the short time I've been away. Nearly at it's furthest point for the summer solstice.

It's back to work now, which isn't too much of a chore when I can walk on the beach, and sit in my study listening to curlews, oystercatchers, lapwings, swallows and many other birds happily twittering in the warmth!


  1. Yeah, cuh, who needs Paris...nice to visit, but I'd rather live in Scotland. Oh wait, I do! Aren't we lucky.

    Amazing that the sun has moved so far in such a short space of time. I love these long light evenings, still daylight at bedtime. I imagine that you barely get any night at all in Orkney at this time of year.

  2. You are the fifth of my bloggy friend who has been to Paris this spring. I am doing something wrong, being stuck here.

    Glad you came back to keep showing us your beautiful sunsets.

    Hmmm, word verification is 'feck'!
