
Saturday 19 June 2010

White Nights.....

Well not really white nights, but not very dark ones! I'm becoming obsessed with the lateness of sunsets and how light it remains as we near the summer solstice. The photo above was taken just before sunset on, and the photo below was taken at 1140 on the same evening. I was going to wait until midnight but I had to get up early the next morning and I was pushing it as it was! A Scottish Weather Forecast shown at the end of the Scottish news programme has been showing photos taken by folk around the country to show how light/dark it is throughout the country at mid-summer. Well Irene of Breckan sent in a photo which was broadcast this week thereby furthering our campaign to get Graemsay recognised globally! Well OK within Scotland is a start ;-)


  1. Love those extra-long days. Of course, there is a price to be paid in about six months.

  2. Today is summer solstice.
    You know, 4:24AM Sunrize and 7:02PM Sunset in Tokyo.
    We are in rainy season now.
    It is hot, and there is much moisture every day.

  3. I'm a bit obsessed too - have tried taking photos but not as successfully as you. I'd say your 11.40 look like our 11.10-ish. I love going upstairs to bed in the twilit house, with no lights except the waxing moon and the pale lemon sky in the east.

  4. Mary Z - It feels like we pay the price for longer than six months sometimes - sigh.

    Sushi - I don't envy you the rainy season or the high temperatures! In orkney 72 degrees F is a heatwave and we don't get many days like that!

    dancing beastie - I think the idea of going to bed when it's light feels a) decadent and b) resonates with childhood memories. I love it!
