
Sunday 5 September 2010

Heather in bloom at Brodgar

The heather is looking gorgeous at the Ring of Brodgar just now.  I love visiting this place during all the seasons, it looks and feels quite different at other times of the year. Currently Historic Scotland, who manage the site, are trying to repair some of the grass footpath around the stones as due to lots of visitors these footpaths get quite a battering each year. I've posted about the Ring of Brodgar  previously in the winter (this stone circle dates from around 2,500 to 2000 BC) but here are some photos from the late summer. Tomorrow I'll post some photos of the recent archaeological dig at the Ness of Brodgar....

I love the hairy lichens that colonise the stone!


  1. OH, MY GOD!!! I want to be there to see the heather. Thank you, thank you, thank you for these photos! I'll have desktop pictures for ages.

  2. Ok. Which is the one you step through to take you back to the 1700s? I'm looking for Jaime and Claire.

  3. MaryZ - I can sent you bigger versions if you want them for the desktop. I resize and compress them for the blog. Let me know! And it IS beautiful seeing the place with the heather.

    Bev - I had to look that reference up on Wikepedia! LOL! From the novel "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon?

  4. Sian, I would love to have the larger pictures. Thanks in advance.

  5. Mary - I've emailed them to you. I've still reduced them in size so if they don't work for your desktop let me know and I'll just send through full size, but most are over 1Mb!

  6. Louise from Seattle6 September 2010 at 17:34

    Ooooh, those Outlander books are a guilty pleasure! I've read three, and you're reminding me to pick up the next one. Thanks!

  7. That's amazing: the heather was coming into bloom at the Ring of Brodgar when we were there in June. I think Orkney heather must be longer-lasting than the Perthshire kind!

    The Outlander books have rather passed us by in Scotland. I just heard about them from a Californian acquaintance at our Highland Games in August. She and her friends have 'Outlandish' parties, apparently...! Think I'll have to read one to find out what the fuss is all about. Meanwhile I *guess* I'll just have to settle for the real thing, my own rugged, kilt-wearing, Highland laird of a husband...(snort) :D

  8. Dancing beastie - nothing can beat the real thing ;-)
