
Monday 18 October 2010

Autumn rainbow at sunrise

Sunday morning was definitely the calm before the storm.  I'm not a morning person so was rather sleepily making a cup of tea at 8.30am on Sunday morning and thought the light outside looked interesting.  Fortunately I had my camera to hand and took these photos, though they don't really capture the magic of the moment.  I stood at the end of the drive watching the sun rise behind the Orphir hills and a double rainbow emerge over the Hoy Hills, stretching over to Stromness.  I should have walked further up the road to get better shots, but I was in my pyjamas at the time and as it was Button was standing in the doorway yelling "Have you no *shame* woman!".  I did get indoors before the shower of rain came though, and oooh that was one of the best cups of tea I've tasted!

The coos in the field opposite the house were clearly also somewhat bemused at seeing me in my pyjams...


  1. Louise from Seattle19 October 2010 at 23:43

    Such a beautiful time of year, and you certainly caught a special moment. Took me a minute to translate "coos," though! Enjoy the weather, rain and all. It's all good with a cup of tea!

  2. Ah yes "coos" = cows (and sometimes also means cattle). Also "kye" = cattle. Lots of tea needed today ;-)

  3. WOW, what a FABULOUS double rainbow and what extraordinary light. Don't listen to Button, he's clearly not an artist - you have to suffer for beauty, even if it means braving the great outdoors in pyjamas! Thank you for doing so for us!

  4. dancingbeastie - I love rainbows. There have been several lately but the early morning ones are the most beautiful because of the light. Must get some thicker pyjamas though ;-)

  5. Lovely photos Sian - especially the one of the inquisitive cow posing on the horizon and Peter positively drooling over the old boat on your beach!

  6. Lovely to hear from you Sue - must email! Tell Peter he can't have the boat as it's a piece of ART!
