
Wednesday 3 November 2010

Winter gales....

Yes the clocks went back 1 hour at the weekend, it's now November, and we are well into winter gales and heavy rain.  Today's photo is of a hail shower passing over Sandside bay earlier today.  Glad I can be snug and warm indoors.  Unfortunately neighbouring farmers have been moving sheep around ready for shipping to the mart later this week.  Glad I decided against begin a farmer!!

It now begins getting dark around 4pm and I have to break off from work to remember to go and shut the hens in for the night. I could leave their wee door open, but I like to think of them being snug in the henny hoose without a draught blowing through the hatch (yes I'm a soft southern townie!) and also it gives me a chance to check all are present and correct!

At the weekend we had our island Halloween Party (no photos - I have to protect the innocent - that's you dear reader!!).  I only went along for an hour as I seem to have picked up a low-grade virus and have been feeling sorry for myself for several days now.  Not that I get any sympathy from Button (the cat)! 

Anyway the party was great fun, with duckin' for apples, donut eating without any hands, making spider webs and other rather raucous games.  Of course there was a buffet with homebakes iced in lurid colours and with horrible names lik "bat droppings" - tasted good though ;-)  Most of the island folk attended and had dressed up in scary costumes.  The kids do a party piece in return for sweeties.  I managed to blag my way into the sweet distribution network as I am smaller than some of the "kids" on the island so no one notices anothe wee hand held out!! Tee Hee!

November is definitely a time for curling up indoors in the evening with a good book, or watching TV and listening to the wind roaring outdoors.  Must say it's getting harder to get up in the morning.......!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a great party. We had a little Hallowe'en tea party here, which included warm Eccles cakes. I called them beetle cakes and the boys refused to try them - all the more for greedy parents!
