
Friday 31 December 2010

We have WATER!

And I've been doing a Happy Dance - though I think the gods mistook it for a rain dance as it's raining now...sigh.... pay attention guys!

But water board engineers left the island at 4pm tonight and we have water and can use it! There should be more water coming into the tank than we will be using so that's good.  Some folk had lost all water today as the tank got completely drained. I still have some water coming out of taps but was not using it (except when I forgot).

So a great way to approach the New Year .... CLEAN!  I'll carry on using bottled water for a while till the system gets completely sorted (think there is quite a bit of chlorine etc in it at the moment) but at least I can have a bath.... have really missed my late night bath which helps to relax tired muscles. 

But my resolution is to be more aware of the water I use in future, conserve where I can AND appreciate turning on a tap and water flowing forth.......

Today's photos have nothing to do with a water shortage - but of water around Graemsay and Stromness taken on the boat home last night. Lovely sunset too, after a lovely day out in town catching up with friends.

The town around Stromness harbour at dusk and the sun setting over Hoy Sound.


  1. I am so glad the water has returned and you can be freshly scrubbed for the new year. Have a happy one.

  2. HOORAY for water! We should all be appreciative of these not-really-so small things.

  3. So pleased,Sian. I guess we all take a lot for granted. Enjoy your bath! Jo

  4. Glad to hear the water's back & you'll have a clean start to the New Year. I know what you mean about neing aware of water use. Our 10 year drought finally broke this year (I'm in Australia) but I'm still saving water from the kitchen sink etc for the garden. Our average rainfall this year felt like Noah's Flood but it was very welcome. Looking forward to reading the blog in 2011.
