
Monday 3 January 2011


OK it's deepest darkest January but I need a reminder of summer sun and abundance! So here are some "before" and "after" pictures of the walled garden which I've been renovating over the last 18 months (with the help of Arthur of Fillets and his digger, tractor, plough and harrow!).

First a "before"! This part of the garden used to be a silage pit many years ago, and in recent years held sheep during the lambing season.

And another one....the rough grass and weeds were killed and burned off.

Then last spring the borders were planted with perennials, trees and shrubs. Here are some in their first summer

And a bright fresh "lawn" and the veggie patch, which produced a wonderful crop.

In the autumn I put plastic silage matting on to prevent weed growth in the veggie patch. I'm hoping this will enable me to get the weed growth in flower borders under control early spring and then be ready to plant veg again late Spring.

I have one more border to plant up, as the stone dyke at the front of the garden was repaired during an island "workshop" in June last year, as regular readers will remember! (see more here and here)

And after.....
So lots of work to do in the Spring and Summer!


  1. I didn't realize your garden had been a silage pit and sheep pen before. That should be some wonderful soil for growing (pre-fertilized). No wonder it looks so lovely. Next year will be even better, I'm sure.

  2. I expect your spring and summer work will be well supervised by your lovely puss, Button.

    Like Mary, I expect the past use of your garden will have given you a superduper well fertilized soil - so you will grow even more glorious vege over summer....

    Not do good for Darling Button, but super great for you, ......

    care from me and super purry stuff from Zebby Cat, Mickle xxx

  3. Goodness, the transformation is jaw-dropping! What an achievement! Hope you Have More Fun with your garden (and in other places) this year.

  4. Beautiful transformation on the ground. Not only very nice, but useful too if you grow vegetables. It seems to be an ideal place to grow anything with the good soil and plenty of sunshine.
    Get some catalogs and order good seeds. I used to enjoy doing that in January!

  5. Love to see the progress! Makes me look forward to summer flowering again.

  6. MaryZ - yes it was last a garden in the early 1950s. Since then it's been "agricultural" and yes the pre-fertilized soil with added seaweed is much loved by the plants and veggies!

    Mickle - Oh yes - Button LOVES to supervise under the warm sun (or shelter of the wheelbarrow!). Give Zebby-cat a big hug from me. Button is not into hugs.....sigh....

    Dancer - it cheered me up looking through the old photos as sometimes it feels as though I don't make much progress. I'm not a very patient gardener!

    Blue Bird - the growing season is short here but I'm still amazed at what I can grow outdoors this far north (eg zuccini/courgettes)

    Katie - yes I'm looking forward to summer too! I am trying to enjoy the "hibernation period" of winter... but oooh I can't wait for Spring!
