
Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunset or Volcano?

I love sunsets as you will have gathered if you follow my blog! I just love the way each one is unique depending on the position of the sun, clouds, light, etc.  Last night's sunset was magnificent. It looked like the wonderful hills of Hoy were a raging volcano!

As you can see we've had a light snowfall again this weekend. Most of it has thawed on Graemsay this morning although the Hoy Hills and Orkney Mainland are still covered in a blanket.

Meanwhile water continues to flow through the taps so I continue to rejoice after it's Christmas/New Year absence!

Note: A professional photographic artist, Rebecca Marr, who lives in Stromness, has some brilliant images of Orkney and other parts of Scotland on her website. I recommend you take a look here.


  1. Very unusual beauties among so many sunset photos!

  2. big skies
    make you humble

    do you everlie on your back andcloud watch?
    I do
    it worries the neighbours!

  3. That is EPIC - very Cecil B. de Mille!
