
Wednesday 6 April 2011


Well I ask the question because Monday and Tuesday the wind howled and the rain came. I probably shouldn't complain about the rain as March was the driest for about 50 years I think and rain is needed to make things grow.... but so is SUN!  But Sunday was a glorious day as these photos show. Above is Sandside Bay, and the Hoy High lighthouse. The hills in the background are in Orphir on the Orkney Mainland.

Please note - the next two photos were taken at DAWN on Sunday.... as folk who know me realise only to well - I do not frequent "dawn"..... however beautiful it is..... and no I didn't stay up to see how this one developed!  I'd wandered down to the kitchen just before 6am for a cup of tea having lain awake unable to go back to sleep.  The first cup of tea in the morning is the best - whatever time.  However I WAS drawn to the light from the window and stepped outside in my pyjams and wellies to take these two photos.

I was astonished to find some flowers in the walled garden already. It cheered my heart to see them!

And for another Orkney Blog you might enjoy click here (she's a real "planty person")


  1. that top photo is so gorgeous, I won't even make a snarky comment about the you-know-what.

  2. Your restraint is commendable! I was trying to get a photo for the title of my blog but actually this is a bit blurry and looked too fuzzy for the title so will have to try again!

  3. Ooh, a cowslip already, how lovely. I admire your dedication to the blogging cause, going outside at dawn in pj's to take photos! And I totally agree, that first cup of tea of the day is unbeatable. Only one thing can improve it: having it in bed with a piece of chocolate. However, that tends to happen here only on Christmas morning, when we are working our way through the contents of Christmas stockings!

  4. Lovely pictures, Sian. So glad spring has arrived at last.

    We arrived on the north coast on Tuesday and it proceeded to rain for the next 36 hours! Still, the forecast for Saturday is good, so hoping to get out with the camera.

  5. Lovely sunrise - reminiscent of northern Sweden -colours etc. And aren't cowslips such delicate, lovely plants?

  6. I continue to be struck with envy of your life! Beautiful pictures.

  7. Dancing beastie - I know - above and beyond the call of duty! LOL! At the weekends I also treat myself to tea in bed - there is something awfully decadent about taking a cup of tea back to bed to drink :-)

    Canvas Prints -thanks for dropping by. Glad you think it's nice around here :-)

    Perpetua Oh dear - yes the weather has been foul this week. Sunshine is forecast for the weekend though - fingers crossed....

    Iain - I love cowslips - I'm constantly amazed that such seemingly delicate plants survive the harsh weather of early spring. Gives me hope :-)

    Isabelle - thank you!
