
Saturday 27 August 2011

Another sunset....

Well my readers do seem to like sunsets so I'm possibly going for overkill with this....sigh. But I'm just catching my breath as the last month has been really hectic with work. But a draft final report has been sent off after a huge amount of work by me and my colleague and now a bit of respite for a few weeks.  So, I'm just putting my feet up today with a cup of tea and CAKE and will begin to share some photos and events of the last couple of months in a day or so!

Meanwhile the above photo was taken this week. It was a beautiful still evening (yes lots of midges around!) and I just loved the way the current and tide made patterns on the calm water.  Yesterday was also a beautiful HOT sunny day, one of the best this summer. But today a gale is brewing, grey skies and rain on the way. Farmers are frantically trying to gather in hay and silage before the weather breaks again. However, we're not forecast the awful Hurricane the East Coast of the US is experiencing and for that I'm thankful. Hope all on the East Coast are keeping safe.


  1. Wonderful sunsets you have. I don't think I could ever tire of them. Glad you had one nice day of summer.

  2. Wonderful sunset colours ... I often think such photos would make a good basis for decorating a room. Hurricane Irene appears to be doing her worst on the US coast ... you can well do without such destruction!
