
Sunday 2 October 2011

Painting our community hall

Quite a few folk from the island were up at the Community Hall this afternoon, giving it a fresh coat of paint. Due to my asthma having a tendency to be triggered by chemicals I avoid paint etc so I didn't go.  Yes I know that sounds convenient - dear reader, you are not the only one to make that comment! Tee Hee! 

As you can see all hands are put to good use (literally, who needs paint brushes!!) and even the wee kids helped out! (Photo taken by Irene Mathieson who was one of the valiant workers - though she clearly was slacking judging by the number of photos she took! Only joking Irene....tee hee!)

Our Community Hall is an ex-Army hut from WWI. It was transported from the island of Burray in Orkney to Graemsay after WWI and constructed by the "men of the island" as the story goes. It's been used since then for dances and parties, as well as any other community function. It's all wood lined and has a good acoustic so is a favourite of musicians when they come to play. Most other parishes have been provided with "Community Schools" by the local authority (Orkney Islands Council), which means that the local authority also provides a community hall. But Graemsay, not having a school, was not able to take advantage of such a facility so we do the best we can with what we have! 

As I say it's been in use since just after WWI, and Ethel, who was a young girl on Graemsay during the WWII (please note that's TWO, she's not that old!) remembered that the soldiers stationed at the gun battery at Hoy Low would come along to the dances. But they weren't best pleased at having to stand outside with the other men to drink or smoke! I bet they weren't!! It can get a bit breezy here at the best of times......

Anyway good progress was made on painting the hall today. I went up to inspect (once I was sure all work was over - tee hee!). To finish off the afternoon a barbecue was held too so all the workers got fed as well..... ( well as those of us that *didn't* do any work!).  It was also a lovely day, with the SUN shining and, out of the breeze, was very warm. Wonderful for October...... I refused to listen to everyone saying it was going to be very windy tomorrow.....


  1. I love community spirit when it goes as well as your example. Good going all of you.

  2. Yes everyone worked very hard. Well except me - but I did give lots of encouragement! ;-)
