
Friday 18 November 2011

Dog Sitting....

I was over in Stromness yesterday dog sitting for a friend who had to be away for the day. She has two Shetland collies and needed a volunteer to go and let them out several times during the day. So I volunteered to  spend the day with the doggies.

Now it has to be said, although I grew up with doggies, I am much more of a cat person these days. I  prefer the way cats are so independent. And Button has a cat flap so can come and go as she pleases. It therefore feels "special" when she chooses to spend time with me.

Dogs, on the other hand, well they are always under your feet! Er - as you can see here with beautiful Lyra expecting her tummy to be tickled as I try and get through a doorway. And yes she IS upside down... not the photo... dogs have no dignity...hehehehe.

Pippa, being an older dog, showed a little more restraint and devotion to her Person Who Was Absent, and stared balefully at me from the sofa.  Amazingly though she was quite happy to be my friend when Food was on offer.  That's dogs for you - devoted only to food ;-)  Cats are far more discerning......

But we all survived the day. I worked at the kitchen table which had the glorious view at the top of this post. It looks down Scapa Flow with Orphir on the left and the Hoy Hills on the right. Graemsay is lost in the mist!  And the dogs, of course, got lots of treats, fuss and let out into the garden when necessary!

Anyway I must go now - we have our island Harvest Home tonight - more of that over the weekend. I must go to the pier and collect the visitors!


  1. Yes!! Another cat person! My thoughts exactly, Sian, though I have to be careful to whom I express them. :-) Lovely photos as always.

  2. It's really very nice photos!! Thanks for Posting.

    Dog Sitting

  3. Perpetua - oooh good. I'm glad you're a cat person too....

    Pet-Sitting - glad you enjoyed the photos. They are lovely doggies.
