
Monday 21 November 2011

Flowers in November

The last couple of days have been great - sunshine, very little wind and so MILD. Lovely to be outdoors! Last year at this time we had snow! Now I think it's been the mildest November in years. I even managed to clear out half the henny hoose (ran out of energy after that, but it's a start!).  After my visitors this weekend it was lovely to be able to hang the washing out on the line to dry. Not much of a breeze (for once) but they still dried fairly quickly.  It meant I could get two loads of washing dry in a day, rather than the usual method of draping over a clothes airer (known as a clothes horse when I was a child). The underfloor heating dries it fairly quickly but you don't get the lovely fresh outdoors smell on the fabric. I'm sorry but NO fabric conditioner can mimic the smell of pure fresh air!  And yes I am aware I've just posted a picture of my pyjamas for the entire world to see....

The late summer flowers are still hanging on in there in the garden!

Here are some daisies still blooming

And a rather battered but valiant osteospernum

And "dames rocket"

This bright cheerful purple flower (can't remember it's name, sorry flower but you gladden my heart anyway!)

And a Hebe (which has recovered so well after bad frost damage last winter).

Of course Button was prowling the perimeter fence


  1. Flowers gladden the soul at any time but outside on Graemesay in November what a treat.

  2. Lovely, Sian. Across the firth on the mainland we still have roses, hollyhocks and asters in bloom, while next door's garden (our neighbour is an avid and skilled gardener) is still a mass of flowers. Fingers crossed we don't pay for the mildness later in the winter.

  3. what a beautifull life you had there.... i wish i could visited that island someday.... ;)

  4. CP - oh yes I agree!

    Perpetua - Hmmm bet the poor things are a bit battered now after the winds this weekend....sigh... hope you got home safely!

    ngupil - Thank you! Well maybe one day you will be able to visit!
