
Saturday 12 November 2011

I forgot to say - Graemsay made it into print this week! The local paper, The Orcadian, also publishes a monthly magazine "Living Orkney". Each month there are articles about folk or places in the county, and this month Graemsay got a three page spread!  The journalist, Catherine Turnbull, had been out to the island in the summer during our Archaeology day and had asked if she could write an article about our community. So this month it appeared entitled "Discovering the family community of Graemsay". It's a good article giving some info about the island as well as a few "snapshots" of life on the island and the people that live here. My blog got a mention too which was cool! Given that Graemsay was also on the local "Radio Orkney Around the Parish Pump" programme this week - folk around here might be getting a wee bit fed up of hearing about us!  The radio programme was an interview with Bill Jenman of the Scapa Flow Landscape Partnership and took place on Graemsay as he was explaining about the new coastal path network that the Partnership has been working on. You can hear the wind howling in the background  - not the best day for their visit!


  1. Ooo, Sian, fame at last :-) Wish I could read it.

  2. If you email me at I can email you a copy!

  3. Beautiful. Have added Orcadian and
    Scapa site, to list of fav. Stay
    safe, Mars Bar in post.

  4. No sooner said than done, thanks, Sian. I look forward to reading it.
