
Monday 9 April 2012

Eggs, cookies and sunsets....

The weather hasn't been great this Easter weekend, but there have been clear spells and at least I've had time to catch up on indoor tasks that got left when the house was COLD last week!

The hens are laying well. I am getting 4 eggs a day (though that means some hens are slacking!). One of the young hens has started laying - her egg is on the left! And one of the "old timers" eggs is on the right! Bit of a difference in size!  Eventually the young hen will lay eggs the larger size even though they are different breeds - ouch!

As they are different breeds of hens, they have different shell colour (the inside is the same colour, a beautiful orange, and tastes wonderful). Perfect for "eggy soldiers", my favourite comfort food!

And of course eggs come in Giant Size too, this being Easter weekend!

I've also been baking some biscuits (cookies). These are "Smartie" cookies.  I've baked them for an island event this week but I need to ensure they are fit for human consumption first.......

I've also baked some oaty cherry/raisin cookies, shortbread, and a biscuity, chocolate concoction that is soooo sweet I've had to cut it into tiny chunks before I overdose with sweetness (the sugar variety, naturally....).

Meanwhile, Button has assumed her usual position on the floor warmed by the underfloor heating.  We are both very happy Easter Bunnies this weekend, being warm and cosy indoors!

PS - a friend of mine who lives on another of Orkney's islands has just started a blog. She makes some lovely crafts and is a very talented lady. She's new to blogging so please drop by and give her a warm welcome to the Land of Blogging!  Click here


  1. What lovely sunset pictures!

    1. I love watching the sun tracking across the sky during the seasons, and the sunrise and sunset pictures really show that (er though you won't see many sunrise pictures on MY blog!!)

  2. It's very important to test the cookies. That cannot be over emphasized Sian.

    OMG toast "fingers" -- it's been so long since I've had a soft-boiled egg. I want one NOW ! With toast fingers of course.

    1. I felt well and truly sick after tasting that particular batch of baking. Think I was on sugar overload! LOL! And yes soft-boiled egg with toast soldiers/fingers is hard to beat....

  3. Sian, you've had more clear spells than we have had across the water. Your eggs and cookies are making my mouth water, so I'm off to find a bit of Easter chocolate.....

    1. HOpe you were lucky in your foraging of Easter cocolate. And hope your weather has cleared up too! Today..we have snow showers!!

  4. Thanks for the eggs Sian - they were lovely.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. The girls work hard to produce them (or so they tell me!)

  5. beautiful serie , from landscape to eggs , they look so good ;)
