
Saturday 21 April 2012

Lambing time....

I love this time of year when the lambs are starting to appear in the fields. Particularly once they get to be a couple of weeks old as they join together like any group of youngsters and race around, or play "King of the Castle" on a hillock of grass.  Most farmers on Graemsay have flocks that are lambing now so there are the constant cries of the ewes and the lambs filling the air.  It's been a cold, wet, week for them but they seem to be doing OK. Well the ones in the photos here are at any rate!  There are one or two "caddy" (need bottle feeding) lambs who are being cared for by farmers and watched over. But most are out in the field now.

Sometimes everyone needs a bit of a nap....

Or to stand and stare.....

And of course it's necessary to keep one's strength up with plenty of food

And the young cattle stock don't like to miss out on any activity too....

As you can see, a bit of a grey day..... this picture looks out over the croft of Quoys to the town of Stromness nestling within the hills.

I took these photos today when I was on my way up to Breckan to help Squeak out with her blog as she was having difficulty - good old Google changing things again!  She showed me around her garden afterwards and of course we had a wee play to.


  1. Lovely photos, Sian. Here there are now lambs in the field between the house and the Kyle and they are such fun to watch. :-)

    As for Blogger, I keep reverting to the old dashboard and will go on doing so until they take it away. Hiss......

  2. You and Perpetua, are so lucky to get to watch the lambs. I gotta find me some lambs here in Nova Scotia to gaze at. :-)
