
Wednesday 25 April 2012

The seals are back!!

Note: The photos on this post were taken by Irene - she has a better camera than me!

OK, they never really went away. But in April and May they seem to enjoy basking on Sandside beach. In recent years there have been very few on the sand, most preferring the rocks around the shore. But clearly at the moment they are enjoying the soft sand beneath their bodies. There were a couple of dozen of them there today!

And just to prove this IS on a Graemsay beach, here they are again below my house and with the lighthouse in the background.

The seals are the reason I bought the house....yes really..... but more of that another day.....

Off now to ""get sorted" for my visitor tomorrow.  A blogging friend, Perpetually in Transit, is coming to Orkney for the first time and staying here overnight.  I've been doing a "calm weather dance" all evening to no avail. There appears to be a strong wind blowing.....sigh.... fingers crossed for a calm crossing for her tomorrow.  We're planning a little adventuring on the Orkney Mainland on Friday. Photos to follow......


  1. Oh wow, seals!! Hold onto them until I arrive, please, Sian. We see seals here on sandbanks in the middle of the Kyle, but never as close as this. Don't worry about the crossing, I'll be fine and I'm SO looking forward to being with you. :-)

    1. Sorry you didn't see the seals, but it was lovely meeting you and showing you some of Orkney!

  2. A visitor, how lovely. I hope you both have a wonderful time. Sue

  3. I hope they will still there in summer ;)

    1. They will be somewhere around that is for sure!

  4. Thats the best photo yet of your house.

  5. "Orkney mainland"?

    Oh how wonderful. Perpetua, have a marvellous visit.

    I am jealous.

  6. I love the seals -- an that big white thing behind your house. Really great photos!

    1. I should have said that Irene on Graemsay took these! I can't get that close with my wee camera. Did I mention I live next door to a lighthouse? ;-)
