
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Snow on hills but not on Graemsay!

A light dusting of snow on the Hoy Hills - there was much more there at 6am when I got up to feed the cat, but I didn't feel inclined to go outdoors and take a photo of it!!  No snow on Graemsay, which is often the case. Probably as we are so low lying, small and nowhere is far from the sea shore..... Though maybe at 6am there WAS snow on Graemsay somewhere!

Still no central heating...sigh... A. valiantly came along last night between calving cows and replaced this pipe - as you can see it is badly corroded.......

The boiler (furnace) was turned on (having added water to the system to make up for that which was lost) and we both heaved a sigh of relief...... then I heard dripping...... A. thought I was joking and was not impressed.  Then sure enough, there was water dripping over the kitchen window again. A. rushed upstairs and I rushed to release water pressure.  No water around new pipe or joint -all perfectly dry and well sealed.  So...up came more floorboards at the other end of the radiator and this was found......sigh......

We had discussed looking at the other end of this particular radiator given how it had been plumbed in one end. But we thought we could do that at our leisure.  So..... I'm hoping between gaps in calving A. can come back and work on this new discovery..... and of course I'm now wondering about the other five radiators.....sigh......

Meanwhile one room being kept warm with halogen heaters, and I found this fan heater too which blasts out heat....unfortunately Button isn't too keen on the noise or the hot air that ruffles her fur!


  1. Lovely pic of the snowy hills. Keep warm x

    1. Thankfully the whole house is now nice and warm ;-)

  2. Fan heaters are great at pumping out heat, not keen on halogens as I suffer with migraines and am a little light sensitive

    hope you get the heating sorted soon, these things never happen when lifes quiet do they?

    1. Fan heaters are brilliant at quickly warming up a space! But are expensive to run...sigh... I can empathise with the halogens and migraines though. I too suffer from migraines and have to watch where I place the halogen. One year I tried a SAD lamp but for it to be effective I had to have it so bright that it triggered migraines...sigh... Thankfully heating repaired and house warm now. Of course the weather has got milder too..!

    2. luckily we have solar PV so a certain amount of fan heating is free :)

    3. Ah yes - energy from renewable sources is great! Lots of it being used in Orkney, as we are at the forefront of testing new technologies of wave and tidal power. Note to self - must post on that....

  3. Oh dear, so sorry the heating is still AWOL, Sian. About 2 inches of snow here on the coast this morning, but it's all gone now, though Ben Loyal still looks very handsome in his white coat. :-)

    1. Yikes you had a lot of snow! I love seeing Ben Loyal under a snowy blanket. As you probably know we can see the mountains of the Highlands from Orkney.

  4. Sorry to hear of your probs, hope you are back to normal soon.

    1. Thanks Pat. Well heating is back to normal - doubt I am though ;-)

  5. Love the distant snow-covered hills.

    1. Thanks Sybil. They are pretty aren't they!
