
Sunday 6 May 2012

Of mixed weather and lambs

It's certainly been a mixture of weather this week!  On Tuesday I was out in the garden in light gear (well out of the breeze), then later in the week it was windy with hail showers and COLD! I feel sorry for the wee lambs in this weather.  Above were "the gang" happily grazing and bouncing around in the field across from the house. They've moved to new pasture now and I shall miss watching their antics.

But I did get a lamb in the kitchen this week!! I was sitting reading one evening and thought the lambs sounded particularly vocal. Button was peering intently out the window - unusual for that time of the evening which is usually nap time.  I got up and joined her at the window and there was a wee lamb staring right back at us.

I rushed to the door, phone in hand to let the farmer know of an escapee. I opened the door and thought "How am I going to catch this one...?". I needn't have worried - it trotted straight through the open door into the kitchen, bleating all the while! Button gave me the "We're NOT having a dog!" look and retreated under the table.  The lamb kept going towards her, poor confused thing!  Button was making some neat reverse moves till she could escape and run up a couple of stairs to safety. Clearly she hasn't seen the lambs jumping up wee "hills"!

I realised it must be one of the "caddy" (bottle fed) lambs escaped. It was shaking and obviously distressed so I scooped it up and sat on the door step cuddling it until the farmer came.  It was such a sweet thing. It happily sat cradled in my arms while I rubbed it's cheek. Though it has to be said that lambs are surprisingly "un-cuddly" - when young their wool is quite coarse and near their skin. Not like my toy fluffy lamby of childhood memories at all!

The farmer arrived and some bottled lamb milk was supplied. One very happy lamb!  After a feed it clearly decided it was time to explore more so back into the kitchen and another attempt to make friends with Button! Then it was time to be reunited with it's foster mother (neither seemed very keen). Awwww now if it would just stay that size I would have kept it....though I'm not sure you can house-train sheep or placate an incensed Button!

Unfortunately no pictures of this event. I was too busy comforting lamb and ensuring Button didn't disgrace herself!


  1. Loved your lamb adventure!

    1. Although I'm surrounded by sheep it was a bit of a surprise!

  2. You mean to tell me, no lamb chops for dinner to come? Haha! a surprise visit....I can just imagine it. Sue

    1. I think I'm off lamb for a while after this escapade ;-)

  3. I am sorry Button did not enjoy your visitor, but even without pictures I can imagine your cuddling the little lamb and all. My daughter raises sheep, and they are so sweet. So far this spring, she has 21 lambs born. I've yet to see them, and can't wait. Loved your post.

  4. This made me laugh, Sian, but also reminded me of the time we bottle-fed two lambs for a local farmer when the children were very small. We finally had to get them taken away when the small ram started butting our toddler son and knocking him over. No - lambs aren't always very cuddly. :-)

  5. I enjoyed (virtually) sitting on the step with you, and thanks for letting me pat the lamb. It was so soft. ;-)
