
Monday 4 June 2012

Sailing into Stromness

Although our ferry is our version of a "bus service" it is also lovely to sail upon it in the good weather......

Here we are sailing into Stromness harbour, passing one of the workboats - mostly working in the renewable energy sector.

And of course the dive boats which are busy throughout the summer as there are lots of sunken wrecks to dive. Diving holidays in Orkney are a key part of the tourism sector.

And the old lifeboat shed has been given a new lease of life. Known locally as "The Red Shed", it's been reclad and repainted and is now used by one of the local diving companies. Meanwhile the lifeboat is moored in the harbour.

But our ferry is also a vital link with the Orkney Mainland, bringing over cargo. Here is "Barney" a new pony for one of the island families! He was very placid and didn't seem bothered by his wee sail on the ferry!

Though I think he was glad to be on dry land again!

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