
Friday 27 July 2012

And so to the Olympic Games....

The Opening Ceremony is tonight and the radio and TV is whipping everyone up into a frenzy!  I'm sure it will be a great event, Britain does pagentry rather well :-)  It's wonderful for all the UK athletes to be competing on "home soil" and I wish them all the very best and may their dreams come true. It is also something that many athletes (I use the term in it's broadest sense) the world over have been working towards and again I wish them well. It will also be fantastic for those involved in any shape or form at the Olympic venues, and for many sports fans.  But I'm not a fan of watching Sport, no not even the Olympics on home ground (and frankly the mascot looks a bit creepy!). So apart from watching the Opening Ceremony (if only to see sheep and cattle grazing in Central London!) and some of the equestrian events, it will pass me by as the others have done. To those of you who enjoy watching the Olympics - have a good time!  I'll see you in a few weeks - tee hee!

Orkney *was* included in the torch relay, and indeed a friend of mine ran with it. Again it was great for those who participated. I didn't SEE the relay because it was scheduled to arrive and leave on a day before any of the boats from the isles would get into the Orkney Mainland!  The scheduling was due to it needing to go up to Shetland and then on somewhere else in one day.  But hey - it came here and lots of people were pleased it did.......


So, to the photo above, which is of a tiny flower called Primula Scotica. This tiny flower grows in the UK only in the very north of the Scottish Mainland, in the county of Caithness, and in Orkney. A friend, J, took the photo on the cliffs at Yesnaby.  I've blogged about this before in 2009, but thought I'd share this lovely photo. The other wee flower is called "self-heal" which is also a small plant but looks huge in comparison to Primula Scotica!


  1. so you were one of the 5 per centers whom the torch missed?!
    I will admit to getting sucked into it all every 2 years. one thing I like is that the sports pages are full of explanations of these sports that few pay any attention to, so we need that reminder every four years.

    1. LOL! Yes there is that. I will probably see more of it than I think, just because it is on every UK TV channel all day. I'm just not into sport at all - never watch the big events : World Cup (football or rugby), or Grand Prix. I vaguely follow them in sports bulletins but that's about it. I used to be very keen on equestrian sport and avidly watched it all years ago. But then they switched to the "pay to view" channels so I lost track and interest. Have enjoyed some of the documentaries about the athletes preparations and build up and that IS interesting to me. And I genuinely wish them all well. I'd just rather be out in my garden or walking along the shore in the evening rather than watching on TV.

  2. I'm not really into sport that much either but looking forward to the ceremony too, I think it will be great. I have been watching the documentaries focusing on some of the athletes which has made me feel a bit more enthusiastic, so looking forward to seeing some of them perform. I hope team GB does well :)

    1. Bored already with tv reporters asking bystanders, spectators how excited they are...yawn. Now if they had interviewed the two british chaps (now in their 90s) who took part in rowing the flame along the thames today (they won medals for rowing in 1948) - now THAT I would have watched!!

  3. I'm missing it all by not having TV. I don't usually watch much of it but I do love the gymnastics.
