
Sunday 23 September 2012

A sail around Hoy to Graemsay.....

Well I was out partying on the Autumn equinox so no photos from then. But here are a few from the following morning when I was sailing back to Graemsay on our wee ferry. It was a beautiful still morning. Magic!  Hope the rest of Autumn is like this...... ok delusional again..... gales forecast for this week....

Hoy Low lighthouse, with the World Word II gun battery outside the walls.

The World War II gun battery at Moaness, Hoy. Both these were protecting the entrance to Scapa Flow.

Near Moaness Pier on Hoy, beneath the hill (Ward Hill).

Reflections of the Hoy Hills near the pier at Moaness.

And opposite, some ruined crofts on Graemsay

Close up of part of Ward Hill - you can see a house in the bottom of the photo which gives an idea of scale.

Burra Sound, between Hoy and Graemsay. The Hoy cliffs in the background. I just loved the clouds reflecting on the still water.....

It's well camoflaged but you can just see the turf roof of the old house, Scarratain, on Graemsay with it's outbuildings about to slip onto the shore.

And coming into the pier at Graemsay with Hoy (Sound) High lighthouse and Stromness in the background.

And there were a huge flock of shags just off Hoy too - lots of these were juveniles.


  1. Beautiful photos on your website blog, Sian! Fantastic Orkney Sunday - we walked to Roseness light,Deerness this afternoon. The wind is rising this evening - what's in store for tomorrow?
    D and D. Orphir

    1. Yes wasn't the weather glorious! Now it sounds like autumn has well and truly arrived with the wind stirring outside. Glad you like the photos. I'm having fun with my new camera ;-) Still lots to learn though....

  2. Gorgeous pictures, just gorgeous. I'm kicking myself (again) that I haven't yet figured out how to go and live in Orkney. We often come up over Christmas, and the first year we did (2006 I think) the weather was glorious, the light was just golden all the time, we had the most beautiful time. Some of your photos are just reminding me of that. Love the Burra Sound one :)

    Jenni x

    1. The Burra sound one is one of my favourites - and the one at the top of the post too. We had a lovely weekend but the autumn gales are approaching - battening hatches as I type ;-)

  3. i feel like i was on the ferry with you ;)

    1. Hope it brought back good memories for you :-)

  4. Sigh ... Graemsay is high up my "bucket list" ... but I fear I've told you that before ...

    1. I hope one day you can visit! There's usually a spare bed about the place :-)
