
Thursday 11 October 2012

The Merry Dancers

The Merry Dancers (Orkney name for the Northern Lights/Aurora) have been dancing away this week.  I haven't yet worked out if my new camera can take pictures of it - or rather whether I can get it to take pictures!  So no pix from me though I DID see them dancing about the sky. But this stunning photo was taken by John Wishart in Orkney and has gone "viral" on facebook, so I'm hoping he won't mind my sharing it with you all here!

In John's photo the Merry Dancers can be seen behind the Italian Chapel, which makes for an ethereal and poignant photo.  Photos capture the Merry Dancer lights differently to the human eye. Although you can see a greenish glow, it's not as bright as in photos.  This blog post from Fair Isle explains it well : What does the Aurora really look like?

Note: sorry for absence - am recovering from evil stomach "bug" this week. Getting better but feeling wabbit (Scots term for feeling tired and lacking in energy). Hope to be back soon!


  1. Wow! Years ago when the children were young we hauled them out of their beds and a deep sleep to see the Southern Lights ... such spectacular views are only visible closer to the Poles. A vision once seen, never forgotten!
    Get well soon:)

    1. Thanks Shirlwin. OOoh Southern Lights - fantastic! I love seeing our "Merry Dancers" - Orkney Facebook friends often put online when they see them so I can just pop outside. It's mostly farmers and folk out seeing to stock late at night that spot them. And thanks for the get well wishes. I'm feeling much better now. Though it's taken some time for my energy to return.

  2. It has been 40 years or more since I have seen the Aurora. I was living in New Hampshire , but I remember seeing them for the last time on a frigid night in Stafford, Vermont. You are so lucky to be able to look into the night sky and see them!

    1. I know I AM really lucky. I try and NOT take them for granted and make the effort to go out and see them. There's a certain amount of light pollution from Stromness across the water so I don't always get the best view. But at least I can see them!

  3. Since we live in the US south, we only see the aurora when we travel. And still have seen those wonderful lights only a few times. So spectular! And how special to see them over the Italian Chapel.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Oh they are beautiful. And yes that is a very special photo. Keep meaning to mention that I gather you met up with Bev in SF this summer. Saw the picture. Hope WE get to meet sometime soon :-)

  4. the picture is fabulous ! :)

    1. Isn't it gorgeous? The photographer did a great job with that one.

  5. Feel better soon. I think I saw the pic on facebook.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I'm feeling much better now. Yes this photo, among others went "viral" as they say.

  6. hello, im from glasgow and planning a trip to orkney this december, for the merry dancers! but i'm wondering whats the best way to know if the odds are good. and since now you have seen the aurora, in october, does it affect the chances of seeing it again in december??

    1. It's impossible to predict. This winter there is forecast to be more activity than in recent years which have been quieter. But it's really hard to say when they will appear or if you can see them (depends on cloud cover). You could send an enquiry via the form on this site (it's run by John Vetterlein who lives on the island of Rousay). He might be able to give you more help than I can!

    2. thanks very much for your input! i'll be in kirkwall and sanday in a week's time. hoping for the best!

  7. Lovely photo. I've seen them a few times, but never that brilliant.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. The naked eye doesn't seem them quite like that - but still lovely to see. The first year I was in Orkney they were magnificent with glorious reds and greens hanging like curtains. I've not seen them quite as well as that since.

  8. A fantastic photo, Sian. I would love to see the Northern Lights.

    Hope you're starting to feel better now.

    1. Thanks Perpetua. Yes I'm feeling much better now thanks. A relaxing weekend has helped too!
