
Friday 2 November 2012

A still calm November day.....

After rain, hail, sleet, snow and gales, it's lovely to have a still calm day when the landscape is reflected in the water.  Above is Sandside Bay with the Hoy High lighthouse just behind my house.

A new website has been launched by the Scapa Flow Landscape Partnership here which gives information on the nature, archaeology and culture of the area in Orkney around Scapa Flow.  And there's a lovely bit of history on Graemsay, written by Bryce Wilson, here.


  1. I think I will enjoy reading about Graemsay. You have wetted my appetite.

    1. The article is really interesting. I learned a lot too!

  2. Glad you've had a lull today, Sian. with us yesterday was the glorious one, with today turning out grey and damp most of the time....

    1. Ah I have to confess this was taken yesterday! I should have make that clear..... grey and damp here today too and now the wind is getting up again. Ah well time to snuggle down with Button and a good book!

      By the way - I "stole" your template - thought I'd try a different, cleaner version. Not sure if the text in the sidebar is too small now - but no doubt someone will tell me if it is!

    2. You're very welcome, Sian. Imitation is the sincerest form of flatter and all that...:-) I always have to magnify web-pages on my laptop in any case, so your sidebar looks fine to me.
