
Saturday 10 November 2012

Autumn entertainment.....

Now I can't get out to do much in the garden I'm trying to get as much exercise in other ways (um no that doesn't include walking to and from the boat!).  So once a week I go up to Irene and Bobby's at Breckan to play on the Wii with Irene.  For the third time I have been beaten to a pulp by Irene, but my excuse is I rarely play while SHE plays on the Wii daily!

Anyway, their wee cat, Squeak, was fascinated when we were playing the "penguin" game as you can see in the picture above! I'm not sure whether her interest was in the penguin for dinner, or the wee fish that were leaping about. (The point of the game is that you catch the fish to win points without falling off the iceberg... it's a balance game....apparently).


  1. That is so sweet, Sian! :-) Good luck with the keep-fit. You and Irene sound disgustingly energetic. LOL!

    1. We might appear energetic but we do have tea and cake afterwards! Purely for medicinal purposes of course ;-)

  2. I think it is great that you and Squeak's MH get together to exercise. I bet Squeak could tell some tales. He has threatened to.
    This is great, I'm smiling.

    1. Oh yes - Squeak has lots of stories to tell of that I am sure. LOL!

  3. I've never played with a Wii. They look like a lot of fun.

    1. They really are fun, lots of different games to play. I find exercise boring but this is a really fun way to get moving a bit :-)
