
Sunday 4 November 2012

Roadworks on the island....

A couple of weeks ago we had "roadworks" on the island.  Roadmen came over with tar, chips and the bit of equipment needed to do the work.  As you can see above, the road is single track, and we don't have much of it - just a couple of miles around the island. But like everywhere else it does need maintaining.

Of course with only a lift on-lift off ferry everything had to be transported over and lifted off onto the pier. Te bit of equipment was then attached to an island tractor and the men set off repairing parts of the road.

They were here for a couple of days and seemed busy.  I noticed they repaired a pot hole outside my house, but I haven't been around to see what else they've done.

All the equipment was taken away after they had finished. Let's hope we don't get too many winter storms to wash away the repairs!


  1. Nowhere is exempt from road signs and flying gravel then....? Hope your repair lasts. :-)

    1. The roadmen have been back and done some more work. And yes I hope it lasts!

  2. Just looks like the piled a bucket of gravel in the hole. Hmmmmmm ... Not exactly major repairs ... :-)

    1. LOL! I think that was it in some places. I understand from others on the island that something a little more permanent has been underway in other places. We shall see!
